Monday, December 30, 2019

Personality and Concepts - 1045 Words

Personality amp; Concepts Abstract An individual’s personality is what makes them unique. How people’s personalities are developed is based on years of research and theories. This paper will discuss some of those theories and dig into the research of personalities. Personality amp; Concepts * * How I define personality * Personality is what makes a person unique. Personality is also what makes a person similar and different from others. Our personality is what makes us who we are, the reason we make the decisions we make, and why we act the way we do. According to the book, the psychology of personality is measured by eight key aspects: Psychoanalytic, Neo-Analytic/Ego, Biological Behaviorist, Cognitive, Trait,†¦show more content†¦This concept describes my personality good, due to the fact I’m a firm believer that my upbringing and experiences throughout my life have shaped my personality and given me the ability to adapt. Growing up less fortunate gave me the ability to appreciate the small things that are often overlooked by others. While deployed with the Marines, my experiences gave me an outlook on life that can’t be acquired anywhere else. Seeing different people’s situations and struggles gave me a deeper a ppreciation for what I have and can acquire. * Are your personality features consistent? * My personality features definitely change with different situations. In most situations my main goal is to achieve comfort for myself and the people I’m interacting with, and doing so without compromising who I am. I thrive off change and variety. * * Personality test and their expectations * I’ve taken a personality test before and was amazed by the accuracy of the results. I believe the results were about 80percent correct. A personality test relies on so many factors, like how you were raised, what you’ve been exposed to throughout your life, what your familiar with, what you’re scared of, what makes you happy and nervous, the type of day your having, the mood you’re in at that moment, and honesty. Most people don’t want to score bad and end up with un-attractive results, so they will answer dishonestly with hopes of looking like someone theyâ€℠¢re not. The reliabilityShow MoreRelatedDefining the Concept of Personality3074 Words   |  12 PagesAccording to Wrosch and Scheier (2003), there is no absolute or generally agreed upon definition of personality. They claim that personality has as many definitions as there are personality theorists and researchers. Personality can be of psychological importance when traits defining such personality provide information as to what a person is really like according to Williams, Saiz, FormyDuval, Munick, Fogle, Adom, Ahams, Neto, and Jiayuan (1995). 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It is stated â€Å"It is now widely accepted that self-concept includes references to how one sees oneself, not only physically and from an academic/ professional and social perspective, but also within the most private and personal spheres of life† . There are many factor that have help to mold my self concept, from my interaction with people my personality and other characteristicRead MoreUnderstanding the Concept of Need in Human Society: Motivation and Personality by Abraham Maslow 1397 Words   |  6 Pages In his book â€Å"Motivation and Personality† Abraham Maslow proposed his psychological theory of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which means that he successively extended the Idea to include observations on people’s characteristic curiosity and not just what motivates them. Many psychological theories about stages in human development are similar to Maslow’s theories (Maslow 1970). 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Crime, Revenge and Morality in Killings Essay - 888 Words

The story of â€Å"Killings† by Andre Dubus looked into the themes of crime, revenge and morality. The crime committed in the story depicted the father’s love for his son and the desire to avenge his son’s death. However, his own crime led to his own destruction as he was faced with questions of morality. The character found himself in a difficult position after taking his revenge. He failed to anticipate the guilt associated with the crime he committed. Feelings of anger and righteousness are illustrated by the character throughout the story. Primarily, â€Å"Killings† concerns a crime and its consequences. The lead character, Matt Fowler goes one step too far and identifies with the evil that tragically marred his life-the murder of his son.†¦show more content†¦In carrying out the deed, Fowler became isolated even to those sympathize with his violence. As a reader, one can sympathize with the part of him that desired nothing more than killing Strout and the part of him horrified by his own desire. Indeed, the killings linked the original slaying of Fowler’s son and his retaliation. It suggests that there may be no important moral distinction between the two acts and that it may further imply the effect on Fowler himself. At the end of the story, Fowler became isolated by his own act. He could not tell to his children and he cannot even make love to his wife. The revenge he has taken that resulted to the same act of killing became a sad issue in the story. The murder depressed him and he was confused between the clear guilt of Strout and the knowledge that despite the apparent guilt, he was still a human being. At the end of the story when Strout is murdered, Matt is left with guilt and a feeling of isolation. As Dubus wrote, â€Å"The gun kicked in Matt’s hand, and the explosion of the shot surrounded him, isolated him in a nimbus of sound that cut him off from all his time, all his history, isolated him standing absolutely still on the dirt road with the gun in his hand† ( ). Eventually, the story is unsettling because of the desire to take revenge and the feeling of isolation brought by the murder. The first consequence of his act was the profound isolation he had to suffer himself. Fowler suffered for his cruelty. ThereShow MoreRelatedCask Of The Amontillado, By Edgar Allan Poe1373 Words   |  6 Pagesnamed Montresor. The theme in this tale is that of revenge. Montresor, the main antagonist and murderer, claims his vengeance is justified and that while he is committing a crime he is doing so justifiably. Raymond Struckhart of Berlin University, in Germany also concurs my position; by also claiming Montresor is to blame. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Total Poor Middle Rich Free Essays

Discuss with the help of examples the four key levels of measurement. What mathematical operations/statistical techniques are and are not permissible on data from each type of scale? [Meaning of Measurement scales Types of Measurement scales with examples Mathematical operations/statistical techniques] 4. Processing of data involves editing, coding, classifying and tabulating. We will write a custom essay sample on Total Poor Middle Rich or any similar topic only for you Order Now Explain each of these steps by taking an appropriate example. [Explanation 5. Distinguish between the following: a. Null hypothesis and Alternative hypothesis b. One tailed and two tailed tests . Type I and Type II error d. One way and two way analysis of variance e. Descriptive and inferential analysis of data [Differences] 6. A. What is Chi-square test of goodness of fit? What precautions are necessary while applying this test? Point out its role in business decision making. B. Two research workers classified some people in income groups on the basis of sampling studies. Their results are as follow: Investigators Income groups Total Poor Middle Rich 160 10 200 140 120 300 150 50 Show that the sampling technique of tallest one research worker is defective. [Meaning Precautions Role Formula/Solution/Interpretation to the problem] MEMBER-Legal Aspects of Business 1 . Explain the performance of contracts [Definition Offer of performance Onus of performance] 2. Elaborate the rights of surety. [Rights against the creditor Rights against the principal debtor Rights against co-sureties] 3. Discuss the termination of bailsmen. [Explanation] 4. Explain the performance of a contract of sale of goods. Explanation] 5. Discuss the law related to the prohibition of anti-competitive agreements. 6. Explain the need and types of meetings. [Need for meeting Statutory meetings Annual General Meetings Extraordinary meetings Class meetings] INFORM – SECURITY ANALYSIS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT 1. Financial markets bring the providers and users in direct contact without any intermediary. Financial markets permits the businesses and governments to raise the funds needed by sale of securities. Describe the money market/capital market – features and its composition. [Money market- features and composition Capital market-features and composition] 2. Risk is the likelihood that your investment will either earn money or lose money. Explain the factors that affect risk. Mr.. Rural invests in equity shares of Wiper. Its anticipated returns and associated probabilities are given below: Return -10 5 15 20 probability 0. 05 0. 10 0. 15 0. 25 0. 30 0. 10 0. 05 You are required to calculate the expected ROR and risk in terms of standard deviation. [Explanation of all the 4 factors that affect risk Calculation of expected ROR and risk in terms of standard deviation] 3. Explain the business cycle and leading coincidental lagging indicators. Analyses the issues in fundamental analysis. [Explanation of business cycle-leading coincidental and lagging indicators Analysis ND explanation of the issues in fundamental analysis all the four points] 4. Discuss the implications of MME for security analysis and portfolio management. [Implications for active and passive investment Implications for investors and companies] 5. Explain about the interest rate risk and the two components in it. An investor is considering the purchase of a share of EX. Ltd. If his required rate of return is 10%, the year-end expected dividend is RSI. 5 and year-end price is expected to be RSI. 24, Compute the value of the share. [Introduction of interest rate risk Explanation of two components of interest rate risk Calculation of value of the share] 6. Elucidate the risk and returns of foreign investing. Analyses international listing. [Explanation of all the points in risks and returns from foreign investing Introduction of international listing] MAFIOSI – MERGERS ACQUISITIONS 1 . Give the meaning of advantages and disadvantages of mergers and acquisitions. Explain the types of Mergers and Acquisitions. [Advantages and disadvantages of mergers and acquisitions Explanation of types of mergers and acquisitions] 2. Write a note on the five-stage model of mergers and acquisitions. [Explanation on vive stage model of mergers and acquisitions] 3. What do you understand by creating synergy? Give the prerequisites for the creation of synergy. Describe the important forces contributing to mergers and acquisitions. [Introduction of creating synergy Pre requisites for the creation of synergy Important forces contributing to mergers and acquisitions] 4. Demurrer results in the transfer by a company of one or more of its undertakings to another company. Give the meaning of demurrer. What are the characteristics of demurrer? Explain the structure of demurrer with an example. [Introduction of demurrer Characteristics of demurrer Structure of demurrer with example] 5. Explain Employee Stock Ownership Plans (SOP). Write down the rules of SOP and types of SOP. [Introduction of SOP Rules of SOP Types of SOP] 6. Explain the factors in Post-merger Integration. Write down the five rules of Integration Process. [Factors in Post-merger Integration Five rules of Integration Process] MUMMIFY – TAXATION MANAGEMENT 1 . Explain the concept of tax planning and the factors to be considered in tax planning. Give the difference between tax planning and tax evasion. [Concept of tax planning Factors in tax planning Differences between tax planning and tax evasion] 2. Explain the process of tax payment. [Explanation of whole process of tax payment through: Individuals Partnerships Companies] 3. Write short notes on: Capital gain Cost of acquisition Cost of improvement Expenditure on transfer Transfer [Each short note carries 2 marks each-(5*2= 10 marks)] 4. Explain the computations of Tax in two aspects given below: Tax provision for Computation of Total income of firms Computation of partnership firms’ book profit. [Steps to be explained for the computation of total income of firms Steps for amputation of partnership firms] 5. How to cite Total Poor Middle Rich, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Organization Commitment in Employee Retention -

Question: Discuss about the Organization Commitment in Employee Retention. Answer: The above annotation has explored the general practices of recruitment and selection used by the organizations. The author of the article has also focused on the impact of recruitment and selection practices on organizational outcome. The author has conducted research on the employees of SMC Global Securities Ltd for collecting specific information about its recruitment and section practices. As per this article, SMC Global Securities Ltd considers portals as the most effective medium of hiring employees (Kumari, 2012). Apart from that, employee reference has also been highlighted in this article, which is considered as the most important source of recruitment. According to the article, effective recruitment and selection process facilitates the organization in choosing best employees as lowest possible cost. The article has put more stress on the recruitment and selection practices of the organization. However, the author has not put much focus on impact of recruitment and selection process on organizational outcome. The limited sample size of 30 employees has also to some biasness in the research outcome of the article. The distinctive feature of the article is its controversy upon alternative recruitment and selection practices. The article has used several authentic secondary sources about the several and selection practices. Hence, this article may be used in writing a literature review, where this article will be used as an effective secondary source. The above mentioned annotation is strongly focused on the effectiveness of the fair recruitment and selection procedures on organization. Unlike the previous studies, this article has focused on the ways of bringing effectiveness in the fairness of recruitment and selection process. The author of this article has majorly focused on the organizational politics, which has high level of negative impact on the fairness of recruitment and selection process. The article has revealed that organizational politics hamper the recruitment and selection effectiveness and lead to poor coordination between staff and line authority. The authors have specifically collected information regarding recruitment and selection from the public sector universities of Azad Jammu Kashmir and Pakistan. The article has also pointed out the critic that line mangers have huge influence on the human resource specialists in regards to recruitment and selection process (Nabi et al., 2014). However, 80 sample respond ents are quite less for proving the authenticity of the collected information. The distinctive feature of this article is collection authentic secondary information regarding the recruitment and selection fairness of large size organizations. Such information can be effectively used in writing literature review. This annotation has been focused on best tools to help the recruitment process of organizations. This article has revealed that interview and various types of psychological tests are quite expensive for the recruitment and selection process of the organizations. The authors of this article have introduced new approach Evolute Helix for flexible and effective recruitment and selection process. However, the article has also argued over the fact that automated process is not much effective for selection process, as this process requires some human analysis for choosing the right candidate for right position. The authors have revealed that Helix approach provide authentic information about the candidates, which can facilitate the organizations both their recruitment as well as selection process (Visa et al., 2015). The article may seem to be somewhat ineffective to prove the effectiveness of new recruitment and selection tool, as it has been applied on only 55 candidates. The distinctive feature of the article relies on the fact that it has initiated effective automated tool for effective recruitment and selection process. However, the article has lack of adequate information towards proving the effectiveness of new and automated tools used in recruitment and selection. Hence, it may be difficult to use this article in writing literature review on the same topic. The above annotation has focused on the privacy issue of the employees and their rights in their organizations. The author of this article has articulated the concerns of the employers regarding the need of employee privacy. The article has been specifically focused on the employee monitoring issues in American organizations. The research paper has explored the employers concern that they use employee monitoring behavior practice for maintaining security of their organizations from unauthentic behavior of the employees. The author of this article has criticized on unethical employee monitoring practices of the employers. Moreover, the article has explored the unethical employee monitoring behavior of the employers like accessing the private emails of the employees, personal files, computer matching and others (Moussa, 2015). The major issue highlighted over this article is that privacy violation leads to distrust between the employers and employees. The most distinctive feature of th is article is the way of making a balance between the employee privacy and employee rights. This article has used lots of secondary information for making a balance between employee privacy and employee rights. Hence, this article can be used as an authentic source of writing literature review. Johnathan Yerby is affiliated to Middle Georgia State College. This annotation has illuminated on the legal and ethical issues of employee monitoring. The author of the article has perfectly aligned the balance between the employee monitoring and employee rights in their workplaces. As per this article, employee monitoring activities are intended to keep surveillance on the employees for tracking their misuse of organizational assets. It is extremely necessary for protecting the organizational security. However, at the same time, the article has also argued on the rights of the employees to protect their personal information from the employers. The employers have no right access the online activities of the employees. Such unethical employee monitoring activities leads to illegality of the employee monitoring system (Yerby, 2013). Over the years, several articles have put their focus on need for employee privacy, but there was a lack of focus on the need for employee rights. This art icle has perfectly described the needs of balance between employee monitoring behavior and employee rights. It is the most distinctive feature of the article. However, the secondary information collected for the article is inadequate for getting authentic information. Furthermore, the article has effectively mentioned some proper employee monitoring software and rules for protecting employee rights. Hence, such article can be perfectly used to write literature review on same topic. Ms.G.KARTHIGA, Dr.R.Karthi and Ms.P.Balaishwarya are the assistant professor of E.G.SPillay Engineering College in South India. The above annotation has put its major focus on the perception of the employers regarding the recruitment process, which they have undergone. The article has highlighted the tough competition among the organizations in regards to recruiting best employees for creating innovation. Most of the previous articles have focused on the effective ways of recruitment and selection for enhancing organizational outcome. However, this article has illuminated on the best fit between the recruitment and selection process for hiring the best candidates for organizations. The author has articulated that a well-defined recruitment process helps in sourcing the best candidates (Karthiga et al., 2015). Hence, it makes the selection process easy to choose the employees as per the exact requirements of the organization. However, the sampling process of the research article is no t much clear and effective, which has limited the authenticity of the information. The distinctive feature of this article is suggesting the need for best recruitment and selection process to hire the best candidate for organizational innovation. Hence, this article may be used for sourcing proper information to write literature review on same topic. Myrna L. Gusdorf is a senior professor of human resources conducted research on evaluating the effectiveness of recruitment and selection. This annotation has majorly focused on the effectiveness of recruitment and selection process on the needs of additional employees in organizations. The author has specifically focused on alternative recruitment and selection processes to be used in fulfilling the needs of additional employees. As per this article, the simplest form of meeting the temporary fluctuation of work volume is part-time labor or initiating overtime work by existing employees (Gusdorf, 2008). Unlike the previous articles, this article has put its major focus on the best internal and external recruitment and selection process depending on the work needs of the organizations. However, the information of the article seems to be quite general and it does not have any specific point as per any specific organization. The distinctive feature of this article is that it has put a careful consideration on the specific recruitment and section process based on specific organizational situation. However, lack of specific research area can hinder its effectiveness to be used in writing literature review. The above annotation has put a great emphasis on the lifestyle discrimination of the employment. As per this article, in lifestyle discrimination, the employers of the organizations want to have a major control over the off-work activities of the employees. The author has given several evidences throughout the article, where the employers of several reputed organizations have made lifestyle discrimination against the employees. The article has also illuminated on the illogical justification provided by the employer behind such lifestyle discrimination. The perception of the employers behind such discrimination is that off-duty behaviors often spill-over the workplace by affecting the legitimate interest of the employees (Sugarman, 2003). However, the study has lack of primary data on lifestyle discrimination, which can limit the authenticity of the information. The distinctive feature of the article is that it provides effective way to the employees for protecting them from lifestyle discrimination of the employees. Huge secondary information of this article can be helpful in writing a literature review on the same topic. Swapna Rose and Dr. Raja K.G Director are affiliated to St. Aloysius College in Mangalore and Malik Deenar Institute of Management Studies at Kasaragod respectively. The authors have conducted research o IT firms for assessing the role of HR practices on employee retention. This annotation has put great emphasis on the human resource practices, which are highly required for creating job satisfaction and organizational commitment. As per this article, satisfied and committed employees are more likely to be retained in their organization for longer period. The author of this article has taken initiatives to cover broader aspects of human resources practices for long term employee retention (Rose Raja, 2016). The research conducted on 180 employees of IT firms in Bangalore has ensured that proper salary structure, positive work environment, reward and recognition enhance happiness of the employees. Such happy employees are more likely to stay in organization for longer time as compared to those of unhappy employees. The distinctive feature of the article is that it has covered wide aspect of human resource practices. However, the article has lack of adequate secondary sources regarding the human resources practices for retaining the employees. Hence, this article may be ineffective to write literature review on the same topic. Shuchih Ernest Chang; Anne Yenching Liu; Sungmin Lin are affiliated to National Chung Hsing University of Taiwan. The annotation has illuminated on the privacy boundaries and explored the reactions of the employees on employee monitoring system. The author has articulated the impact of communication privacy turbulence on the employees. The findings of the research article have demonstrated that control oriented organization culture mostly raised communication privacy turbulence in the workplace. As per this article, the employees show resistance, when they are forced to accept the practice of employee monitoring. The author has implied that unethical employee monitoring leads to mistrust among the employees for the employers. Previous studies have also focused on the negative impact of organizational infringement on organizational culture. However, this article has specifically focused on employee monitoring and perception of the employees regarding unethical employee monitoring syst em (Chang et al., 2015). The sample size of the article is inadequate for proving the authenticity of the information regarding communication privacy turbulence. However, the findings of the research article demonstrated that the employees in several of industries have different types of perceptions regarding employee monitoring practices. The distractive feature of the article has huge numbers of secondary information on the privacy monitoring activities. Hence, this article may be useful in creating literature review on the same topic. Stephane Renaud and Lucie Morinare affiliated to University of Montral and University of Qubec in Montral of Canada. On the other hand, Jean-Yves Saulquin and Jocelyne Abraham are affiliated to University of the Loire Valley and University Franois-Rabelais in Tours of France. This annotation has majorly focused on the best human resource practice for retaining the employees in the organizations for longer period of time. The article has specifically researched on the HRM practices for functional retention of the employees for longer period. Apart from that, the author has also focused on fact whether the impact of HRM practice on employee retention differs on the basis of employee status or not. Unlike the previous studies, this article has put its focus on five specific HRM practice for retaining employees, which are like respectful work environment, innovative benefits, satisfactory training and development and incentive programs. Multiple surveys conducted on the new employees of Canadian subsidiary of an international information technology (IT) firm have proved the reliability and authenticity of information (Renaud et al., 2015). However, the conclusion of the article has not been perfectly aligned with the objective of the research. The distinctive feature of the article is its major source of authentic information, which can be helpful in writing literature review on the topic. The above annotation has explored the impact of rewards on the job satisfaction and employee retention of the employees. As per this article, the compensation system plays a significant role on the commitment level of the employees for their organizations. The author has broadly discussed the provision of lucrative remuneration package on the employee retention policy. From the data collection it can be seen that the employers should effectively identify the financial and material needs for the employees. Such financial needs and material needs of the employees can be effectively fulfilled through proper and lucrative rewards (Terera Ngirande, 2014). The article has made a clear linkage between the employee job satisfaction and employee retention through proper reward system. However, the sample size of the article is inadequate for sourcing most authentic information regarding the impact of reward system. The distinctive feature of the article is that it covered broader aspect of e mployee reward system. Hence, this article can be effectively used to create literature review. References Chang, S. E., Liu, A. Y., Lin, S. (2015). Exploring privacy and trust for employee monitoring.Industrial Management Data Systems,115(1), 88-106. Gusdorf, M. L. (2008). Recruitment and Selection: Hiring the Right Person.USA: Society for Human Resource Management. Karthiga, M., Karthi, D., Balaishwarya, M. (2015). Recruitment and Selection Process.International Journal Of Scientific And Research Publications,5(4), 1-4. Kumari, N. (2012). A Study of the Recruitment and Selection process: SMC Global.Industrial Engineering Letters,2(1), 34-43. Moussa, M. (2015). Monitoring employee behavior through the use of technology and issues of employee privacy in America.Sage Open,5(2), 2158244015580168. Nabi, G., Wei, S., Husheng, X., Shabbir, M., Altaf, M., Zhao, S. (2014). Effective Recruitment and Selection Procedures: an Analytical Study Based on Public Sector Universities of Pakistan.Public Policy and Administration Research,4(10), 12-20. Renaud, S., Morin, L., Saulquin, J. Y., Abraham, J. (2015). What are the best HRM practices for retaining experts? A longitudinal study in the Canadian information technology sector.International Journal of Manpower,36(3), 416-432. Rose, S., Raja, K. (2016). Role of Hr Practices, Job Satisfaction, and Organization Commitment in Employee Retention.CLEAR International Journal of Research in Commerce Management,7(10), 1-2. Sugarman, S. D. (2003). " Lifestyle" Discrimination in Employment.Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law,24(2), 377-438. Terera, S. R., Ngirande, H. (2014). 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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Union Structure and Governance

Introduction The purpose of this study will be to analyze the structure and governance of a national or international union that addresses the plight of workers.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Union Structure and Governance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The union that will be focused on in this study will be the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) which is a labor union representing the needs of workers employed in the electrical industry in the United States, Panama and Canada as well as other workers employed in the public utility and electrical manufacturing industry. The union also represents the interests of workers employed in computer, broadcasting and telecommunications sector. The main objective of the IBEW is to promote reasonable working conditions for all electrical workers under the union and also cultivate feelings of brotherhood/friendship among the various employees tha t fall under the union (Hill, 2008). History of the Union The beginning of IBEW can be traced back to the Electrical Wiremen and Linemen’s Union which was founded in 1890 in St. Louis, Missouri. Both wiremen and linemen flocked to St. Louis to demonstrate their trade by wiring the buildings in the city with electricity lines so as to exhibit their trade. During the exhibition, the workers got together to talk about their jobs and also the working conditions of electricians in the electrical industry. There was a general consensus that their jobs were hard and they worked for long hours with little pay (12 hours a day for 15 to 20 cents per hour). The workers did not receive any training or apprenticeship during the first week of their jobs and the safety standards especially for the wiremen were nonexistent which meant that they were exposed to dangerous working conditions. These poor working conditions led to the industry having the highest mortality rates of one out of two hired employees in the whole of America. The Convention and the growing electrical industry were basically the starting points of the Brotherhood (IBEW, 2005). The following year, 1891, saw a growing interest to have a national union that would address the plight of electrical workers in the US. The Convention that took place in St. Louis approached the American Federation of Labor (AFL) to receive a charter that would operationalise the Electrical Wiremen and Linemen’s Union.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Electrical Wiremen and Linemen’s Union under the charter No. 5221 was established in 1981 as a national organization that would address the labor needs of electrical workers within the electrical industry as well as other workers in the telecommunications, telegraph and electrical manufacturing industry. During their first year of operation, the un ion organized a convention in St. Louis where ten delegates representing the 286 members of the electrical industry attended the convention (IBEW, 2005). The ten representatives included Henry Miller, the president of the union, J.T. Kelly, W. Hedden, C.J. Sutter, H. Fisher, F. Heizleman, J. Berlowitz, T.J. Finnell, M. Dorsey and E. Hartung. These ten delegates formed the founders of the union and they adopted a different name for the organization known as the National Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. They worked for hours drafting a constitution for the union which would stipulate the laws and procedures that would guide the operations of the union. They also came up with the well-known emblem of the union, a fist grasping several lightning bolts, which would be used to distinguish the organization from other unions in the US. During the Convention, the delegates elected Henry Miller as the first Grand President of the union and they also elected T. Kelly as the Grand Secretary T reasurer of the union. In the 1899 Pittsburgh Convention, the union decided to change its name to the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. The membership during that time had reached 2,000 members with over 43 chartered local unions in the whole of America. The current number of members now stands at 750,000 in the four countries covered by the union (Panama, Canada, US and some parts of the Caribbean’s) (IBEW, 2005). The type of employers the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers bargains with includes the electrical manufacturing industries, public utility companies that offer electricity to consumers, electrical installation companies, wiremen and linemen contracting agencies. The union faced adversity during its first year of operation as it received a lot of criticism and indignation from employers working in the mentioned companies. Many of these employers were trying to drive out trade unions in the country by organizing open shop campaigns in the national level. The union however sought to reduce tensions between employers and employees in the electrical industry by forming the Council on Industrial Relations which would be used to represent the interests of managers and employees (IBEW, 2005).Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Union Structure and Governance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hierarchical Structure of the Organization The IBEW is made up of three functional bodies which make up the structure of the union and these include the executive body which is made of the International President, the International Secretary-Treasurer, International representatives and the eleven International Vice-Presidents that manage the district level operations of the union. Other offices that fall under the executive body include the local union offices as well as the membership of IBEW. The judicial and legislative bodies of the union are made up of the In ternational Executive Council which is made up of a chairman and eight elected members working in the district offices. The International President is charged with the general administration of the IBEW and the responsibilities that come with the international office are varied and distinct (IBEW, 2005). Some duties of the International President include implementing the laws of the Brotherhood, overseeing any controversial issues that might arise within the organization, acting on any appeals that might arise from decisions made by the International Vice Presidents, deciding on IBEW policies and procedures, chartering and amalgamating various unions that have been established in the local level and suspending or revoking any local union charters that do not serve the interests of IBEW’s members. The International Secretary-Treasurer is primarily charged with the role of handling the financial matters of the IBEW International office such as investments and pension funds. The responsibilities of the treasurer include collecting, disbursing and accounting for all union funds, maintaining records of the organization’s membership and receiving all signed applications for the local union charter. The treasurer is also charged with protecting the seal and emblem of the Brotherhood (IBEW, 2005). The eleven International vice presidents that make up the district office and have been elected by the local unions work under the instructions of the International President of IBEW. The duties of the vice president include supervising the activities of all International Representatives within the district branch offices and also act on appeals that might come from members of the local unions. The internal bodies that exist in the local unions include presidents who are charged with enforcing the constitutional provisions of the union, vice presidents who are charged with assisting the local president with office duties, recording secretary who is charged with the role of keeping the minutes of local union meetings as well as maintaining all meeting records, the financial secretary who is charged with handling all the funds collected by the local union (IBEW Constitution, 2008).Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another member of the local union is the treasurer who receives all collected funds from the financial secretary and deposits them in the bank under the name of the local union and the business manager who is charged with the role of representing the local union in any trade disputes with industry employers. The business manager appoints all stewards within the local unions to effect bylaws that will be needed to effectively manage the functions of the local union. The business manager also conducts training programs for all stewards as well as enforcing all collective bargaining agreements. The International Executive Council (IEC) and the legislative body are charged with managing the judicial and legislative aspects of the union. The IEC is the final authority that is used when granting pensions, disability benefits and also handling the vested interests of the union’s members. The two bodies also act on appeals that are made by the International President and they try mem bers of the local union who have been charged with violating the laws and rules of the IBEW (IBEW Constitution, 2008). The diagram below represents the hierarchical structure of the IBEW and the various offices/bodies that make up the organization. Source: IBEW, 2005 Financial Flow of the Union The financial flow of the union is mostly made of funds collected from union dues, pension benefit funds and the general funds that are used to manage the day-to-day operations of the union. Members of the organization are meant to contribute $10 every month so as to manage the collective bargaining activities of the organization. The amount of pension funds that are collected from individuals within the union amounts to $3.50 per month for each full year of continuous membership that the member has with the union. The fund also pays death benefit to any of the member’s beneficiaries which could be $6,250 if the member dies of natural causes and $12,500 for any accidental deaths (IBEW Union, 2011). Union dues refer to the financial funds that are usually paid by the members of a union every month to support the general operations of the organization and its officers. The union dues structure of the IBEW covers two parts of the union’s structure which include the international and local union offices. The dues that are allocated to the international office are basically used to maintain and support the administrative and legal functions of the office as well as legislative procedures such as court appeals and trials which have been forwarded to the IEC. The bulk of union dues are usually allocated to the local union where the funds are used to manage the expenses of the offices as well as handle collective bargaining, member grievances, arbitrations and contract negotiations with employers. A basic union dues structure is made up of two parts: the local union and the IBEW per capital segment where the local union determines its dues by the operational cost s and expenses incurred by every local union within the various districts of the US (IBEW Union, 2011). Union dues are usually determined by the members of the local union as they are the only people who have the power and ability to change the amount of dues they have to pay ever month. The IBEW Per Capita structure of the union dues involves a monthly payment of $11set by the International Convention and which is meant to be paid by all members of the union. The monthly charge is usually used by the local union to fund the operations of the First District Office and it can only be changed by the elected delegates of the Convention. The diagram below represents the structure of and distribution of union dues in the organization (IBEW Union, 2011). Governing Entities within the organization The International Convention is the highest governing body of the Brotherhood. The union Constitution postulates that the IBEW member delegates meet every five years at a regular interval to dis cuss union matters and any labor issues that might arise in the electrical industry during the five-year duration. The international Convention therefore oversees these meetings during which it elects International Officers such as the president and secretary treasurer if there is need for reappointment or re-election. The International Convention also determines the basic law that will be used by the IBEW through the number of votes that have been cast for proposed resolutions and constitutional amendments to the union Constitution. The international Convention also has the final authority and decision on any appeals that have been made in the international, national and local offices of the union. The various entities that make up the Convention include delegates and member committees (IBEW, 2005). The delegates of the Convention are usually selected through secret ballots garnered from the members of the union. The level of delegate representation is usually based on the number o f members a local union has registered where the maximum number of delegates per local union is 15. The Convention further stipulates that no local union is entitled to representation unless it has been of good standing for the last six months before the International Convention. The committees in the Convention are usually formed by the International President who is authorized by the governing body to establish committees that will perform the basic functions of the Convention such as resolution action, the development of reports and recommendations that will be used to deal with disputes or conflicts between employers and employees. Another governing entity that oversees the functions of the IBEW is the International Executive Council (IEC) which deals with the judicial or financial aspects of the union. The IEC is the final authority when it comes to making decisions on granting pensions, disability benefits and also dealing with the vested interests of the union’s member s (IBEW, 2005). The types of boards exist under the local union and these include the examining board and the executive board. The purpose of the examining board in the local union is to examine and review the various applications for membership forwarded to the union for consideration. The examining board assesses the qualifications of various applicants according to the various sections of the union Constitution to determine if they qualify to be members of IBEW. The executive board on the other hand is involved in hearing all charges that are brought against the members of the union and trying them according to the bylaws and working rules of the local union (IBEW Constitution, 2008). The executive board therefore acts as a trial board as it has to consider all matters properly before making any major decisions with regards to any charges or violations brought against a member of the organization. Apart from the IEC, other councils that exist in the IBEW include the railroad coun cils and system councils which address any union issue within the local union railroad industry. Railroad councils are subject to the rules that govern local councils while the system councils are formed by the International President for collective bargaining purposes under the direction of the president. If the local union is unable to establish a railroad council, they can be able to form a system council to address any disagreements that arise (IBEW, 2005). Appointment of Union Members According to the union Constitution, the various officers of the IBEW are usually nominated and elected by delegates who have been duly selected in the International Convention. The circumstances under which International Officers are chosen for the post of International President and International Secretary-Treasurer in the IBEW is when either of the two officers dies before completing their term, their term contract has expired, they are found to be in violation of the union Constitution or they have committed an offense that is deemed punishable by the International Convention (IBEW Constitution, 2008). The only requirement for a person to be elected to any of the positions is that they should have a five-year standing relationship with the union. This basically means that union members who have not had any violations or charges placed against them can be able to apply for the post of International President or International Secretary-Treasurer. The two International Officers are usually elected by secret ballot or per capita tax votes when there is more than one candidate for the position. Once they are selected, they are expected to assume office in 30 days and they can serve for a term of five years until their successors are nominated and elected (IBEW Constitution, 2008). Other positions that are elected in the IBEW include the eleven positions for vice presidents which are usually elected by the respective vice presidential districts and the delegates that fall unde r the International Convention who are usually elected through a secret ballot election. The positions that are appointed within the IBEW include the Resolutions Committee which is appointed by the International President to document any resolutions to trade disputes that have occurred between employers and employees of the trade union. The positions and offices within the Railroad Councils and the System Councils are also appointed by the International President in the IBEW where the IP follows the bylaws of the Constitution when selecting the various members of these councils (IBEW Constitution, 2008). Culture of the Union The culture that exists in IBEW is that of reform and business unionism where the union is interested in offering its members fair housing and better working conditions as well as attaining a 5% wage increase for all its members under IBEW. The history of IBEW has been one of business unionism and reform where the various officer holders have tried to negotiate for better working and living conditions for the various members under the union. As a result of reformist cultures within IBEW, the wages and working conditions of the union’s members have improved considerably when compared to other industries in the country. Because of the culture of reform and socialist unionism, members of IBEW have been able to enjoy better health care and welfare services as well as improved pension benefits, longer holiday vacations and shorter workdays. These reforms have been able to take place because of the cultivation of intelligent people to manage the affairs of the union (IBEW, 2005). The culture of reform has been instilled in the various office holders to necessitate changes for employees working within the electrical industry so that they can enjoy proper working conditions as well as long-term benefits. The heritage of IBEW is vibrant and strong as the various beliefs and value systems practiced by all previous office holders have been pas sed down the line of successors. The use of local leadership has also enhanced the culture of reform within the union where talented and tenacious leaders have been selected to represent the union in various forums. Proper leadership has ensured that a culture of social reform is established in the union where the individual needs of members and their beneficiaries/families are addressed to maintain a high standard (IBEW, 2005). The mission and priorities of IBEW include organizing all workers in the US or Canadian electrical industry and other member countries as well as organize workers in the public utility and electrical manufacturing industry. IBEW is also charged with promoting reasonable work conditions for its members as well as reasonable salaries and wages. Another mission of IBEW is to settle any disputes that might occur between the employers and employees of the organization and also assist each of the members and their families through periods of distress, death and si ckness or material loss. The main priority of IBEW is to reduce the number of hours daily laborers such as the wiremen and linesmen work as well as seek higher compensation, improved standards of living and working for its members (Hill, 2008). Union Mergers In 1908 when the union was experiencing a period of success and stability, an internal struggle emerged within the organization that saw the secession of a large percentage of the Brotherhood. This split was mostly caused by a growing dissension amongst the wiremen and linemen of the poor management of the union’s high-ranking offices. At the same time, employers within the electrical industry were bent on destroying the Brotherhood so they fostered the internal struggles that were taking place within the union at that time. The secession that took place IBEW was referred to as the Reid-Murphy split after the two officers who were elected by the seceding factions of the split (IBEW, 2005). While the Reid-Murphy group spli t from the Brotherhood, Frank J. McNulty and Peter W. Collins remained the recognized office holders of the Brotherhood. The result of the secession saw two trade unions being formed to address the concerns of employees in the electrical industry with the Reid-Murphy faction having the majority of members. The structure of the Brotherhood was not affect in a major way as McNulty and Collins were able to remain as the official office holders of the union but their functions were somehow impeded because of the separation of funds and resources between the two factions. These split was however reversed by a court decision in 1912 that saw the 1908 Convention null and void. Union funds that had been taken by both factions were restored to the recognized group under the union Constitution by the court. The seceding group later merged with the Brotherhood in 1914 after they agreed to end their differences and focus on serving the needs of IBEW members (IBEW, 2005). Union Affiliations In 1 982, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers become affiliated with the Canadian Federation of Labor to enhance its activities of safeguarding the welfare of wiremen and linemen in Canada while in 1989, IBEW entered into an affiliation with the committee on political education (COPE). This was meant to improve the involvement of organized labor in the active education and registration of voters during the union election process. Another affiliation that the IBEW had was with the Canadian Labor Congress in 1997 which has been identified as a re-affiliation in the historical records of the Brotherhood. The unions and associations that have allied themselves with IBEW include the Electrical Workers’ Benefit Association, the Canadian Signal and Communications Union and the Pension Investment and Employee Benefits Department (IBEW, 2005). Conclusion The sole purpose of this study has been to analyze the structure and governance of IBEW, a union that deals with the labo r issues of employees working in the electrical industry. The discussion has focused on the structure of the union by looking at the various positions and office holders that make up the union as well as examining the various roles and responsibilities that these members play in the union. The study has also focused on the various governing bodies that govern the operations of IBEW which include the International Convention and the International Executive Council. The study in general has been an analytical analysis of the various faucets and bodies that make up the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Questions Qn.1: Sections 1 up to 21 of Article XX of the AFL-CIO Constitution sets forth the various provisions that will guide the relationships of affiliates within the Federation and how each of the affiliates should relate with other affiliate members within AFL-CIO. For example Section two of the article sets forth that every affiliate member of the organization shall observe the established collective bargaining relationships that exist amongst the affiliate members of the organization which means that no member affiliate will attempt to represent employees who have an established collective bargaining relationship with another affiliate in the federation. Article XX is important for unions such as IBEW as it provides an established work relationship amongst the various unions that fall under AFL-CIO. The article provides a basic framework of how unions representing the interest of employees in one industry should conduct themselves to avoid any union disputes. Article XXI of the AFL-CIO Constitution talks about the organizing of responsibility procedures where the various member affiliates of the federation resolve to organize competition in situations where competition might be detrimental in serving the best interests of workers. This article is important for unions that want to represent the interests of workers from one industry. Section 2 of the article stipulates that any affiliate members of the federation that is actively engaged in representing and organizing employees from a particular industry can be able to seek for authority to enable them be the exclusive representative of these employees within that industry. Article XXI is therefore meant to limit the amount of competition amongst unions willing to represent the interests of workers within one industry (AFL-CIO, 2011). Qn. 2: One constituent group of the AFL-CIO is the coalition of black trade unionists (CBTU) which serves the needs of African American workers in the United States. While CBTU is not a civil rights organization, it provides the black workers in the US with a forum within the union movement to voice their concerns about organized labour in the country. The mission of CBTU is to meet the working needs of African Americans within the US by presenting their concerns to the union movement, AFL-CIO. The main activities of the organization includ e; improving the economic development of black workers by providing suitable employment opportunities, working together with the trade union movement so as to provide a voice for black workers in America, increase the union involvement of black workers by increasing awareness through voter education and voter registration, actively supporting civil rights groups that are trying to improve the working conditions of black people within the country and organizing black or minority group workers who are unorganized (CBTU, 2011). CBTU provides value to its members as it seeks to support programs and initiatives aimed at reducing the level of unemployment amongst black Americans in the United States. The organization collaborates with school systems to ensure that black students are equipped with the necessary skills that will allow them to gain useful employment once they complete their education. CBTU also adds value to its members by looking for ways to deal with the escalating prices in food, housing and medical services. It has established important alliances with various organizations within the American community to ensure that the financial burden is reduced (CBTU, 2011). Qn.3: One campaign under the Change to Win affiliate program is the Warehouse Workers United campaign where the Warehouse Workers United is an organization that seeks to represent the interests of warehouse workers in California’s Inland Empire. The main purpose of the organization is to join all warehouse workers together so as to improve their working conditions and also build a better future for the workers and their families. The Change to Win campaign for the Warehouse Workers United is focused on improving the terms of pay as well as working conditions for all warehouse workers in the Inland Empire. The Change to Win campaign for these workers is meant to build an effective response to the poor assault on worker rights by forming a stronger labour movement that will provide hop e to many minimum wage workers. Change to Win has the ability to affect a response from the various unions in America as it has the voice and the support of stronger affiliate federations such as AFL-CIO in addressing the concerns of workers such as the Warehouse Workers United (Warehouse Workers United, 2011). References AFL-CIO (2011). AFL-CIO Constitution; article XX and XXI. Web. CBTU (2011). About CBTU: mission statement.  Web. Hill, E.D. (2008). Constructing Bright futures. IBEW Journal, 107(2): 1- 52 IBEW (2005). International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers: History and  Structure. Web. IBEW Constitution (2008). IBEW Constitution as amended SEP. 2006 at Cleveland,  Ohio. Web. IBEW Union (2011). IBEW union dues structure.  Web. Warehouse Workers United (2011). Why we fight. Web. This term paper on Union Structure and Governance was written and submitted by user Drake Espinoza to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Organic Chemistry Hydrocarbon Nomenclature Prefixes

Organic Chemistry Hydrocarbon Nomenclature Prefixes The purpose of organic chemistry nomenclature is to indicate how many carbon atoms are in a chain, how the atoms are bonded together, and the identity and location of any functional groups in the molecule. The root names of hydrocarbon molecules are based on whether they form a chain or ring. A prefix to the name comes before the molecule. The prefix of the molecules name is based on the  number of carbon atoms. For example, a chain of six carbon atoms would be named using the prefix hex-. The suffix to the name is an ending that is applied that describes the types of chemical bonds in the molecule. An IUPAC name also includes the names of substituent groups (aside from hydrogen) that make up the molecular structure. Hydrocarbon Suffixes The suffix or ending of the name of a hydrocarbon depends on the nature of the chemical bonds between the carbon atoms. The suffix is -ane if all of the carbon-carbon bonds are single bonds (formula CnH2n2), -ene if at least one carbon-carbon bond is a double bond (formula CnH2n), and -yne if there is at least one carbon-carbon triple bond (formula CnH2n-2). There are other important organic suffixes: -ol means the molecule is alcohol or contains the -C-OH functional group-al means the molecule is an aldehyde or contains the OC-H functional group-amine means the molecule is an amine with the -C-NH2 functional group-ic acid indicates a carboxylic acid, which has the OC-OH functional group-ether indicates an ether, which has the -C-O-C- functional group-ate is an ester, which has the OC-O-C functional group-one is a ketone, which has the -CO functional group Hydrocarbon Prefixes This table lists the organic chemistry prefixes up to 20 carbons in a simple hydrocarbon chain. It would be a good idea to commit this table to memory early in your organic chemistry studies. Organic Chemistry Prefixes Prefix Number ofCarbon atoms Formula meth- 1 C eth- 2 C2 prop- 3 C3 but- 4 C4 pent- 5 C5 hex- 6 C6 hept- 7 C7 oct- 8 C8 non- 9 C9 dec- 10 C10 undec- 11 C11 dodec- 12 C12 tridec- 13 C13 tetradec- 14 C14 pentadec- 15 C15 hexadec- 16 C16 heptadec- 17 C17 octadec- 18 C18 nonadec- 19 C19 eicosan- 20 C20 Halogen substituents are also indicated using prefixes, such as fluoro (F-), chloro (Cl-), bromo (Br-), and iodo (I-).  Numbers are used to identify the position of the substituent. For example,  (CH3)2CHCH2CH2Br is named 1-bromo-3-methylbutane. Common Names Be aware, hydrocarbons found as rings (aromatic hydrocarbons) are named somewhat differently. For example, C6H6 is named benzene. Because it contains carbon-carbon double bonds, the -ene suffix is present. However, the prefix actually comes from the word gum benzoin, which as an aromatic resin used since the 15th century. When the hydrocarbons are substituents, there are several common names you may encounter: amyl: substituent with 5 carbonsvaleryl: substituent with 6 carbonslauryl: substituent with 12 carbonsmyristyl: substituent with 14 carbonscetyl or palmityl: substituent with 16 carbonsstearyl: substituent with 18 carbonsphenyl: common name for a hydrocarbon with benzene as a substituent

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Jose Parla and His Works Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Jose Parla and His Works - Essay Example Parla began experimenting as early as 1983 when he used canvas in order to translate his wall paintings and personal memories into a permanent mode. At this time, Parla used to illustrate the derelict landscape of urban settings, hence he wanted to transfer this into a medium that was more permanent than the walls that he used. This formed the basis of his contemporary paintings that he describes himself as being ‘’contemporary palimpsests’’ implying that his artistic works are a form of memory documents or segmented realities. Parla has a noteworthy collection of artwork that is presently displayed in various art locations around America and Europe. Parla’s collection has been driven by history and his own inspiration. Parla apart from doing his paintings collects works by other people who are part of his life history or contemporaries and friends whose artworks are in tandem with his art. Parla is dedicated to ensuring that his artworks go an extra level in proficiency and appeal to many. Parla has continued to read art history and he constantly visits various art galleries so that he improves on his artwork. Paintings by Parla characterize how cities of the world function as palimpsests. Parla creates visual tales of his experiences in various cities that he has visited. In these paintings, he illustrates urban landscapes of these cities. His works are calligraphic, multilayered and psycho-geographical, and he has incorporates these concepts into his paintings thereby enabling the viewer to find out about his perspective of the environment.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Analysis of Barack Obamas Inaugural Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Analysis of Barack Obamas Inaugural - Essay Example The result is an incredibly effective speech which I find very stirring emotionally, focusing on a communal struggle rather than his own abilities, so much so that it is difficult to fault it on a lack of logical proposals.   His uses ethos and pathos to emphasize communal struggle as the central aspect of his presidency while filling in the hole with logos to reassure the more critical of the audience, which combines to make an incredibly stirring speech. Barack Obama’s inauguration took place on January 20th, 2009 on the steps of the American Capital building. Much of the context surrounding this speech was entirely traditional to a presidential inauguration – the date in cold late January, the same location as every other inauguration since the capital buildings were built. But the context also had important aspects to it that were unique to this particular event. First, the event was historic, even for an inauguration address. Barack Obama was the first black person ever elected as president of the United States, which in and of itself was important (Tufankjian). He also had by far the most grass-roots campaign that had ever elected a president in recent memory, with the most amount of small donors (Tufankjian). This leads to his rhetoric focusing highly on ideas of communal struggle while eschewing his independent role. Furthermore, America was in the midst of the worst financial crisis since the great depression, s o a tone of hope was important for his speech. Probably the least overplayed part of Obama’s speech was his ethos. Rather than build himself up as a toweringly powerful candidate, or focusing on his position as one of the preeminent constitutional law scholars in America, Obama focused on his humble beginning to try to make himself an everyman, position himself as an outsider who understood the common people’s needs.     Ã‚  

Monday, November 18, 2019

See work below in description Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

See work below in description - Case Study Example Achieving a 20% price decrement is a challenge that can lead to closure of a firm if not well planned for. Givaudan management ought to come up with various strategies that focus on reducing its overheads in the production line. For instance, adopting automation in its production system may assist the firm in achieving this objective. Both automated handling and inventory systems are effective ways of reducing labor overheads. They allow a faster and a shorter production line as they eliminate much of human involvement in the production line. Second, ERP system in the line of production is an essential aspect that allows easy, faster and less costly tracking of a firms resources and its production capacity. It also allows the firm process and communicate its information with all stakeholders at the minimum cost. A third strategy is to eliminate any brokerage aspect in the supply channel between Givaudan and Tastyco to reduce the cost of supply (Rukstad, 2014). Merging deal with the competitor is another key alternative that can deliver Givaudan from the dilemma. This entails approaching the competitor in the same business line and sign an agreement to merge the two firms to a new firms based on common securities. The deal must be a friendly, horizontal and mutual one that benefits both firms. This eliminates the competition between Givaudan and Nan Ya. In any consideration of the strategic supplier, the new merged firm will scope the position. All the benefits accrued to one firm will be mutually benefiting the two firms (Rukstad, 2014). The reduction of the overhead costs has highlighted various strategies that can help Givaudan realize the objective. An automated system in both manufacturing and handling activities requires fewer workers to operate the system. This eliminates a substantial number of workers hence reducing labor costs (Rukstad, 2014). ERP system eliminates the cost of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Ways Of Knowing More Likely To Lead Truth Philosophy Essay

Ways Of Knowing More Likely To Lead Truth Philosophy Essay Truth is a term that is multifaceted, and has been a popular topic of discussion by scholars and philosophers for thousands of years. Yet some fundamental basics for something to considered true have arisen after all the discussions and theories: it must be a fact, is justified in a way that that it corresponds to a fact that exists in the world, matches with ones overall sets of belief and/or it is useful and works in practice. A justified true belief is what is knowledge is composed of. Sense perception, reason, language and emotions are the four Ways of Knowing, each one a powerful tool that enables us to reach closer the truth. Sense perception is the active selective and interpretative process of recording or becoming conscious of the external world; reasoning is using logical, critical thinking to establish knowledge; emotion is the experience of a bodily reaction to an event where we are aware and involved; lastly, language is a tool for communication and a system of persuasio n and implication through the use of conventionalized signs, sound gestures or marks having understood meaning. However these four ways of approaching the truth vary in that one may help yield more precise answers and is more reliable than others, depending on the their strengths and weaknesses. I believe that sense perception and reason creates a dominant combination, carrying a high degree of certainty, in discovering global truths, compared to emotion and language, which are also vital but have greater limitations that provide challenges in finding the truth. Buddha once said, Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by manyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ But after observation and analysis, when you find anything that agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. This quote claims that perception, which is then supported by reason, is the ways most likely to lead to the truth, and I definitely agree. We experience the world and obtain direct, immediate, constant data through our senses: sight, hear, smell, touch, taste, movement, balance and huger/thirst etc. The brain then processes these stimuli to create meaning to them and organize these sense data into schemas in our brain, reassembling reality to become organized, meaningful patterns, so that most of the time our world will be rational, steady and predictable. Hence we rely heavily on sense perception as our primary source of data collection of our surroundings. In biology, for example, I did a lab testing the effects of caffeine and adrenaline on the heart rate of transparent water fleas, called Daphnia. After exposing a daphnia in an adrenalin or caffeine solution, I relied solely on my sight to observe the thumping action of their heart beat and then count it. The heart beat dramatically increased from a 25 beats per second in controlled water fleas to around 44 in adrenaline and caffeine solution. By direct observation, my brain then gives meaning to this data input; resulting in me, knowing the immediate effects of what consuming these chemicals does to a Daphnias heart. However sensory perception has a handful of limitations, the major ones including our biological and physiological limitation such a incapability of seeing wavelengths outside the visible light spectrum; our cognitive apparatus and processes cant distinguish perception from illusion; who we are as a knower, our built-in assumptions and prejudices alters the expectations and interpretations of situations- causing bia s, subjective views; sensory input is relative, hence data from is s not always valid alone; sensory input is also discontinuous and outdated. Conversely the invention of digital video, computer technology and modern technology helps fix these problems or even eliminate it all altogether. For instance, when watching the figure skating world championships on TV, both Mao Asada and Kim-Yuna skated perfectly, executing all their elements. My individuality- the fact that I favor and adore Maos skating style over Yunas, and my pity towards Mao for always winning silver- contributed to my perception of the competition as being unfair when Yuna won gold. But when clips of the performances were previewed side by side, it illustrates how Mao did not fully finish her rotations on her triple jumps and thus was deducted points- ultimately justifying that Kim Yuna did deserve gold and performed a cleaner program than Mao. This example proves technology can overcome major limitations such as filt ers and seeing what we want opposed to the reality, by justifying what we see with more scrutiny through technology since technology can record the world around us, provide instant replay and allow unbiased evaluation. On the other hand reason, is most advantageous due to its outcome of valid and coherent information- information with such a high degree of certainty that no other ways of knowing can reach. Reason assesses arguments, and provides support for claims and statements established through all the different experiments, studies etc. It is especially vital for areas with an empirical basis like science, history and math; these areas have been so developed and consist of such reliable, coherent and corresponding theories due to reason. Judgments and errors plague the certainty of truth for other ways of knowing; such as sense perception can be distorted; language is too vague and ambiguous leading to multiple interpretations, and emotion is the least reason-based due to its unpredictable, instinctive nature. Logic controls the outcome of rigid conclusions with evidence. Yet reason has its flaws as well such as the range of informal fallacies and when premises that construct the arguments mig ht be valid the truthfulness is still questionable, hence other ways of knowing is required to justify it such as the case of euthanasia where the argument Taking a life is morally wrong, euthanasia is the act of taking away a life, hence euthanasia is wrong. Is perfectly valid but the truthfulness must be enhanced through the use scientific observations like using technology to see if the persons brain is responding to stimuli. The use of sense perception and reason together complements each other to provide even sturdier, valid, reasoned-based knowledge with sufficient verification. The fact that global warming is occurring is derived from both reason and perception. According to NASA 80% of ice field have been lost in the last century as see through satellite pictures, hence we can use deductive reasoning to conclude that if Drastic climate change and melting ice caps indicate global warming, NASA claims that 80% of ice field have melted , and United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that 11 of the past 12 years are among the dozen warmest since 1850, hence global warming is occurring Emotions and Language has principal problems that override its benefits, and hence is less likely to lead to the truth. Although language is central in communication; performing many functions such as conveying emotions (expressive), express creativity, used for social and representational purposes, it is deceptive and treacherous due to its vagueness and ambiguity.( Not so much for math and science, since language is controlled, neutral and rigid in these areas but in the other AOKs. Take Stalin for example, he used language as propaganda to establish a personal dictatorship, attack enemies and disguise the reign of terror and purges as well. Putting up slogans like Peasants can live like human beings filled with emotionally-arousing words, appealing connotations and glittering generalities manipulated the peasants into believing Stalin will bring back the glory days in Russia just like before World War I. Similarly emotion reinforces problems such as blurring reason, bias our perce ptions and color our language; humans are helpless in controlling emotions- it is irrational and occurs at fluctuating, urgent impulses. For example when my friend and I watched Valentines Day, she had just broken up with her boyfriend so was feeling distressed and gloomy, whereas I was joyous and excited to see Ashton Kutcher in it. By the end of the movie, her emotions has shaped a negative perception of the movie, thinking it was cheesy and gay, and divert from rational thinking to blame me for wasting her time watching it. On the contrary sometimes our reasoning is based on emotion; for example during a mandarin test, I had a cheat sheet ready in my pocket, but I decided not to cheat because of the guilt and fear I will feel. Suggesting that emotion mustnt be totally ignored since without emotion, the world will be dull, cause the uniformity of values and everything will pass unnoticed. So emotions can help humans acquire knowledge and enhance the search for knowledge, but the voice of reason is more rational. All the areas of knowledge are interconnected, one fails to work alone, and one effects the other, whether it is to enhance or limit the quest for truth. The advantageous combination of sense perception and reasoning creating highly valid, justified truths, with solvable limitations, whereas others, like emotions and language are overshadowed by its limitations. Citations: Buddha Buddhism Reality. On Truth and Reality. Web. Apr. 2010. . Mount Kilimanjaro Vanishing Icecaps. Scientific Visualizing Studio. 02 June 2002. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. . Global Warming Fast Facts. Daily Nature and Science News and Headlines | National Geographic News. Web. 03 May 2010. . Alchin, Nicholas. The Theory of Knowledge. Heinemann, blue book Powerpoints up on Moodle

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Acid Rain :: Free Essay Writer

Acid Rain is caused by pollution containing sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and ozone ( SOÃ ½, NOx, and OÃ ½ ) is released into the air. These chemicals are absorbed into clouds and results in Acid Presipitation ( Acid Rain, Acid Snow, Acid Hail, Acid Sleet ). When the chemicals aren’t absorbed into clouds, they can drift for miles and fall to the ground, resulting in Acid Deposition, or dry deposition. When Acid Rain falls into water it is mixed in with the normal water and causes the pH of the entire body to be raised. Measurments on the pH (potential Hydrogen ) scale, rise exponentialy, thus, a lake with a pH of 4 is ten times as acidic as a lake with a pH of 5, and a lake with a pH of 3 is 100 times as acidic, After many rain falls of Acid rain, the pH of a normal lake ( 5.8 ) to 4. Acid Rain has been known to reach the acidicy of pH 2, ( battery acid has a pH if 1 ) this is a drastic change, as normal rain is average pH 5.2. Acid Rain can dissolve limestone and chalk, and corrodes outdoor structures. Statues and monuments that are left unprotected can fall victim to the unpredjudiced destruction of acid rain. Acid Rain reacts to different types of soil and rocks in two ways. 1) Acid rain will dissolve alkaline rocks and soil, or will neutralize the alkalinity. 2) Acid rain will increase the acidicy of already acidic rocks and soil, such as granite, or the soil which results from corroded granite. Acidic chemicals, and alkaline chemicals react to each other by reducing the alkalinity or acidicy of each other. Which ever has the strongest pH level, usually will neutralize or reduce the pH of the other, but after the reaction is complete, both substances have undoubtably changed, their pH moved closer to neutral ( pH 7 ).

Monday, November 11, 2019

What Effects the Bounce of a Dropped Ball

Aim The aim of this experiment is to investigate the efficiency of a bouncing ball, and the factors which affect its efficiency. Hypothesis If I increase the height from which a ball is dropped, then the bounce height will increase because it will increase the speed and create a larger impact, causing the ball to bounce higher then dropping it from a lower height. Materials 1. High bounce ball 2. Measuring tape 3. Tape 4. Wall Risk AssessmentH- Cutting yourself with the measuring tape C- Handle with care and ensure that it is locked Method 1. Hold the measuring tape with the 0 centimeter end on the floor. Then tape the measuring tape to a wall. 2. Hold the bottom of the high bounce ball in place with the 100 centimeter mark on the measuring tape. 3. Drop the ball and determine the total bounce height of the ball, which would be the distance from the surface to the bottom of the ball at the top of its bounce. . Continue till you have data for 3 tests. 5. Repeat steps 2-5 for drop heig hts 80 cm 60 cm 40 cm 6. Average all the data. Variables Independent variable = drop height Dependent variable = bounce height Controlled variables = ball, surface, measuring tool Data Table Height a Ball Bounced From Different Drop Heights DROP HEIGHT (CM) TEST 1TEST 2TEST 3AVERAGE 10050495150 8038394039 6031293030 4022202120 Graph

Friday, November 8, 2019

denmark essays

denmark essays Denmark is a constitutional monarchy in northwestern Europe. It is the southern most of the Scandinavian countries. Copenhagen is Denmarks capital. The country is administratively the country is divided 14 counties and 275 local authorities. Margaret II, who became queen in 1972, currently heads the country. The revised constitution of 1953 provides for succession to the throne in the female line and for a unicameral legislature, called the Folketing. I pick up in history where this class roughly starts in the 1400s. Waldemar IVs (1340-75) daughter Margaret I (1387-1412) was in power and she created the Kalmar union, which included Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the Faeroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland, and part of Finland. In 1520 Sweden and Finland revolted, seceding 1523. In 1448 the house of Oldenburg was established on the throne in the person Christian I and has continued to rule Denmark up to the present day. In 1523 Christian II was driven from the Danish throne, then followed a period of unrest. Unrest was settled when Christian III consolidated his power as king of Denmark. Also in 1523 the Kalmar union was dissolved, but Denmark and Norway remain united. During his reign Denmark was involved in a reformation and Denmark becomes Lutheran. 1618-48, Christian IV intervened in the thirty years war as a champion of Protestantism. Territorial losses were endured as a result of the wars with Sweden. In the 18th century it was a peri od of internal reform, which included the abolition if serfdom and land reforms. In the 19th century Denmark economically prospered despite the many military defeats the country was involved in. In 1849, King Frederick VII authorized a new constitution instituting a representative form of government and a wide range of social and educational reforms took place. In 1866 the Danish constitution was revised, making the upper chamber (Landsting) more powerful than the lower house (Fo ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

ZARA IT for Fast Fashion Essays

ZARA IT for Fast Fashion Essays ZARA IT for Fast Fashion Paper ZARA IT for Fast Fashion Paper ZARA IT for Fast Fashion ( Case Analysis) 1) Please describe three most important competitive advantages of ZARA (Inditex) over its main competitor. How sustainable is this advantage? 2) Assume that ZARA is considering to enter the US market. Please recommend actions for ZARA. Please make clear assumptions when necessary. After reading and analyzing the Zara case we came several conclusions when it comes to Zaras competitive advantage over its competitors. We understood that Zara is using totally distinctive business model compared to other more traditional fashion etailers. In our opinion there are three most important advantages that Zara has over its competitors. These are : IT Software/internal information flow, Factory locations/Geographic placement, Just in Time approach. We believe that these three factor are the main determinants when it comes to Zaras strong current position on the market. Below I will go more in detail and explain every single factor individually. Software/internal information flow First factor which gives Zara competitive advantage according to me is their software. The fact that all the software (PDA) used currently by Zara is developed by them gives them huge competitive advantage. Having the software developed internally makes it much more efficient and user friendly because it is compatible with the companies daily operations. Everything starting from the operational procedures, performance measures, and even office and store layouts are designed to make information flow simple. Making the internal information flow faster and more efficient is one of the key success factors for Inditex. The fact that all the stores are directly connected to the main system which in ollects all the data is a great way for analyzing things that are going on in different stores. But all in all we would say that this factor is not a sustainable advantage. Everyone can copy the system or even create their own. The issue might be cost of RD connected to development of such a system. But if we are talking about Zaras main competitors it is fully possible. Manufacturing and Distribution (Factory locations/Geographic placement) The firm has built its highly developed strategy around consumer trends and embracing the fast-changing tastes of its customers. The fashion industry is a fast changing industry with new trends appearing on daily basis. Zara produces their clothing to have a short wear span (10 wears) forcing consumers to need to purchase more designs sooner. This ensures a high competitive edge for Zara in product respond to this fast changing trends Zara has developed a highly responsive supply chain based mainly on internal communication. They have a fast production and distribution strategy that allows them to offer the latest fashions in less than two weeks. It is very important to mention that Zara manufactures its products on all the ontinents. The manufacturing is divided between Spain where around 50% of Zaras products are manufactured, rest of Europe where 26% are manufactured and the remaining 24% is outsourced to the Asian and African countries. So what is so special about this division of manufacturing ? Well firstly we have to look at the costs of production. The cost of production in Northwest Spain (wages are relatively low/ unemployment high 17%) or northern Portugal are significantly lower than in other countries around Europe. The products which have longer shelf life like sweatpants, inglets or t-shirts are outsourced to Asia, while the fashionable product with constantly changing trends are produces in Portuguese and Spanish factories. Because of the strategic location of the factories in Europe Zara is able to produce and transport much bigger amounts of products to their stores in much shorter amount of time. Zaras new designs can get into stores in as little as two weeks. Compared to Zaras competitors who need to wait for their new inventory for around two months. Also when it comes to designs Zara outclass its competitors by roducing up to 11,000 distinct items annually while key competitors produce between 2,000 and 4,000. We also have to keep in mind that Zara is Just a fashion imitator. This makes it less time consuming when it comes to creating new trends and designs. Zara Just copies whatever is out there on the market and sells it for much lower cost. We believe that Manufacturing and Distribution is Zaras main competitive advantage which can remain sustainable. Why ? I believe that because of the economics of scale and companys current passion on the market. Even if any of Inditexs big competitors would try to copy this system, they would lose significant part of the market share because it would be very expensive and time consuming transitional process. On the other hand the barriers to entry for the newcomers are just way to high to even compete on any level with companies like Zara. Just in Time Approach There is little inventory anywhere in the Zaras supply chain because Zara uses the JIT approach. Zara has pioneered its operations, which enables the constant introduction of new items in short lead times. A little bit about Just in Time01T) roduction used by Zara. JIT is a production method that strives to increase return on investment, reducing inventory and associated carrying costs. The JIT process relies on signals, also called Kanban. It tells production when to make the next part for the production process. Usually Kanban is placed as tickets but it can also be a simple visual signals. E. g. presence or absence of a part on a shelf. Kanban is a system to control the logistical chain from a production point of view, and is not an inventory control system. When JIT is Implemented correctly like in the case of Zara it focuses n continuous improvement and it can improve a businesses return on investment, quality, and eliminating non-value added activities. In order to achieve continuous and employee involvement. Inventory is seen as incurring costs, or waste, which do not create any value added. Just-in-time encourages businesses to eliminate non- value added activities that does not compensate for manufacturing process issues, and it helps to constantly work towards improving those processes to achieve less inventory. In short, the Just-in-Time inventory system focus is having the right aterial, at the right time, at the right place, and in the exact amount, without the safety net of inventory. Strategic decisions for a company (Zara) that are supported based on JIT: Increase profit margin by skipping retailers (online sales) Create price premium product based on JIT Eliminate non-value added activities (cut costs) Zara entering the US market If Zara was planning to enter the US Market they would have to do a lot of strategic preparation. The system which they have In Europe would not work in US because of the geographic location of the United States. The supply system would not be efficient enough since the products would have to be shipped all the way from Europe or Asia. As the result of that Zara would not be able to switch their inventory each two weeks. The lead times would change. We believe that the best solution would be to copy the European business model. What do we mean by that? Part of Zaras success is the geographic position of its factories. The Spanish and Portuguese manufacturing plants are able to produce and ship an item in a very short time. The position of the factories is strategic, the fact that the factories are in Europe. Resolution for that could be establishment of the manufacturing plant in Mexico. The country is relatively cheaper than the US but it is Just by the border. By establishing production plants in Mexico Zara would have the opportunity to create similar situation as they have in Europe at the time. One more thing which definitely should get more attention in the US is advertising. Zara spends only 0. 3% of its revenue on advertising while their competitors spend between 3% and 4%. We believe that this strategy may work on the European market but in the US the advertising budget hould be raised. In the US the advertising is much more aggressive so in order to become noticed Zara needs to leave their old ways behind and compete as equal with the big companies on the American market. Zara should also somehow test the US market before entering. We believe that by offering the online store first they would get much greater understanding of the market as a whole. The company would be able to see the different trends within a market and how it is divided. All the information from the online sales could be then used as a part of the strategy hen it comes to placement of the retail stores and overall general info about customer needs in given parts of the country. Benchmarking of their biggest competitors on the American market would be highly recommended. Before entering a new market you need to know what are the best practices of your competitors. Ohno, Taiichi Oune 1988). Toyota Production System beyond large-scale production. Productivity Press http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Zara_(retailer)#cite_note-10 forbes. com/sites/gregpetro/2012/10/25/the-future-of-fashion-retailing- the-zara-approach-part-2-of-3/