Friday, November 8, 2019

denmark essays

denmark essays Denmark is a constitutional monarchy in northwestern Europe. It is the southern most of the Scandinavian countries. Copenhagen is Denmarks capital. The country is administratively the country is divided 14 counties and 275 local authorities. Margaret II, who became queen in 1972, currently heads the country. The revised constitution of 1953 provides for succession to the throne in the female line and for a unicameral legislature, called the Folketing. I pick up in history where this class roughly starts in the 1400s. Waldemar IVs (1340-75) daughter Margaret I (1387-1412) was in power and she created the Kalmar union, which included Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the Faeroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland, and part of Finland. In 1520 Sweden and Finland revolted, seceding 1523. In 1448 the house of Oldenburg was established on the throne in the person Christian I and has continued to rule Denmark up to the present day. In 1523 Christian II was driven from the Danish throne, then followed a period of unrest. Unrest was settled when Christian III consolidated his power as king of Denmark. Also in 1523 the Kalmar union was dissolved, but Denmark and Norway remain united. During his reign Denmark was involved in a reformation and Denmark becomes Lutheran. 1618-48, Christian IV intervened in the thirty years war as a champion of Protestantism. Territorial losses were endured as a result of the wars with Sweden. In the 18th century it was a peri od of internal reform, which included the abolition if serfdom and land reforms. In the 19th century Denmark economically prospered despite the many military defeats the country was involved in. In 1849, King Frederick VII authorized a new constitution instituting a representative form of government and a wide range of social and educational reforms took place. In 1866 the Danish constitution was revised, making the upper chamber (Landsting) more powerful than the lower house (Fo ...

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