Thursday, December 5, 2019

Organization Commitment in Employee Retention -

Question: Discuss about the Organization Commitment in Employee Retention. Answer: The above annotation has explored the general practices of recruitment and selection used by the organizations. The author of the article has also focused on the impact of recruitment and selection practices on organizational outcome. The author has conducted research on the employees of SMC Global Securities Ltd for collecting specific information about its recruitment and section practices. As per this article, SMC Global Securities Ltd considers portals as the most effective medium of hiring employees (Kumari, 2012). Apart from that, employee reference has also been highlighted in this article, which is considered as the most important source of recruitment. According to the article, effective recruitment and selection process facilitates the organization in choosing best employees as lowest possible cost. The article has put more stress on the recruitment and selection practices of the organization. However, the author has not put much focus on impact of recruitment and selection process on organizational outcome. The limited sample size of 30 employees has also to some biasness in the research outcome of the article. The distinctive feature of the article is its controversy upon alternative recruitment and selection practices. The article has used several authentic secondary sources about the several and selection practices. Hence, this article may be used in writing a literature review, where this article will be used as an effective secondary source. The above mentioned annotation is strongly focused on the effectiveness of the fair recruitment and selection procedures on organization. Unlike the previous studies, this article has focused on the ways of bringing effectiveness in the fairness of recruitment and selection process. The author of this article has majorly focused on the organizational politics, which has high level of negative impact on the fairness of recruitment and selection process. The article has revealed that organizational politics hamper the recruitment and selection effectiveness and lead to poor coordination between staff and line authority. The authors have specifically collected information regarding recruitment and selection from the public sector universities of Azad Jammu Kashmir and Pakistan. The article has also pointed out the critic that line mangers have huge influence on the human resource specialists in regards to recruitment and selection process (Nabi et al., 2014). However, 80 sample respond ents are quite less for proving the authenticity of the collected information. The distinctive feature of this article is collection authentic secondary information regarding the recruitment and selection fairness of large size organizations. Such information can be effectively used in writing literature review. This annotation has been focused on best tools to help the recruitment process of organizations. This article has revealed that interview and various types of psychological tests are quite expensive for the recruitment and selection process of the organizations. The authors of this article have introduced new approach Evolute Helix for flexible and effective recruitment and selection process. However, the article has also argued over the fact that automated process is not much effective for selection process, as this process requires some human analysis for choosing the right candidate for right position. The authors have revealed that Helix approach provide authentic information about the candidates, which can facilitate the organizations both their recruitment as well as selection process (Visa et al., 2015). The article may seem to be somewhat ineffective to prove the effectiveness of new recruitment and selection tool, as it has been applied on only 55 candidates. The distinctive feature of the article relies on the fact that it has initiated effective automated tool for effective recruitment and selection process. However, the article has lack of adequate information towards proving the effectiveness of new and automated tools used in recruitment and selection. Hence, it may be difficult to use this article in writing literature review on the same topic. The above annotation has focused on the privacy issue of the employees and their rights in their organizations. The author of this article has articulated the concerns of the employers regarding the need of employee privacy. The article has been specifically focused on the employee monitoring issues in American organizations. The research paper has explored the employers concern that they use employee monitoring behavior practice for maintaining security of their organizations from unauthentic behavior of the employees. The author of this article has criticized on unethical employee monitoring practices of the employers. Moreover, the article has explored the unethical employee monitoring behavior of the employers like accessing the private emails of the employees, personal files, computer matching and others (Moussa, 2015). The major issue highlighted over this article is that privacy violation leads to distrust between the employers and employees. The most distinctive feature of th is article is the way of making a balance between the employee privacy and employee rights. This article has used lots of secondary information for making a balance between employee privacy and employee rights. Hence, this article can be used as an authentic source of writing literature review. Johnathan Yerby is affiliated to Middle Georgia State College. This annotation has illuminated on the legal and ethical issues of employee monitoring. The author of the article has perfectly aligned the balance between the employee monitoring and employee rights in their workplaces. As per this article, employee monitoring activities are intended to keep surveillance on the employees for tracking their misuse of organizational assets. It is extremely necessary for protecting the organizational security. However, at the same time, the article has also argued on the rights of the employees to protect their personal information from the employers. The employers have no right access the online activities of the employees. Such unethical employee monitoring activities leads to illegality of the employee monitoring system (Yerby, 2013). Over the years, several articles have put their focus on need for employee privacy, but there was a lack of focus on the need for employee rights. This art icle has perfectly described the needs of balance between employee monitoring behavior and employee rights. It is the most distinctive feature of the article. However, the secondary information collected for the article is inadequate for getting authentic information. Furthermore, the article has effectively mentioned some proper employee monitoring software and rules for protecting employee rights. Hence, such article can be perfectly used to write literature review on same topic. Ms.G.KARTHIGA, Dr.R.Karthi and Ms.P.Balaishwarya are the assistant professor of E.G.SPillay Engineering College in South India. The above annotation has put its major focus on the perception of the employers regarding the recruitment process, which they have undergone. The article has highlighted the tough competition among the organizations in regards to recruiting best employees for creating innovation. Most of the previous articles have focused on the effective ways of recruitment and selection for enhancing organizational outcome. However, this article has illuminated on the best fit between the recruitment and selection process for hiring the best candidates for organizations. The author has articulated that a well-defined recruitment process helps in sourcing the best candidates (Karthiga et al., 2015). Hence, it makes the selection process easy to choose the employees as per the exact requirements of the organization. However, the sampling process of the research article is no t much clear and effective, which has limited the authenticity of the information. The distinctive feature of this article is suggesting the need for best recruitment and selection process to hire the best candidate for organizational innovation. Hence, this article may be used for sourcing proper information to write literature review on same topic. Myrna L. Gusdorf is a senior professor of human resources conducted research on evaluating the effectiveness of recruitment and selection. This annotation has majorly focused on the effectiveness of recruitment and selection process on the needs of additional employees in organizations. The author has specifically focused on alternative recruitment and selection processes to be used in fulfilling the needs of additional employees. As per this article, the simplest form of meeting the temporary fluctuation of work volume is part-time labor or initiating overtime work by existing employees (Gusdorf, 2008). Unlike the previous articles, this article has put its major focus on the best internal and external recruitment and selection process depending on the work needs of the organizations. However, the information of the article seems to be quite general and it does not have any specific point as per any specific organization. The distinctive feature of this article is that it has put a careful consideration on the specific recruitment and section process based on specific organizational situation. However, lack of specific research area can hinder its effectiveness to be used in writing literature review. The above annotation has put a great emphasis on the lifestyle discrimination of the employment. As per this article, in lifestyle discrimination, the employers of the organizations want to have a major control over the off-work activities of the employees. The author has given several evidences throughout the article, where the employers of several reputed organizations have made lifestyle discrimination against the employees. The article has also illuminated on the illogical justification provided by the employer behind such lifestyle discrimination. The perception of the employers behind such discrimination is that off-duty behaviors often spill-over the workplace by affecting the legitimate interest of the employees (Sugarman, 2003). However, the study has lack of primary data on lifestyle discrimination, which can limit the authenticity of the information. The distinctive feature of the article is that it provides effective way to the employees for protecting them from lifestyle discrimination of the employees. Huge secondary information of this article can be helpful in writing a literature review on the same topic. Swapna Rose and Dr. Raja K.G Director are affiliated to St. Aloysius College in Mangalore and Malik Deenar Institute of Management Studies at Kasaragod respectively. The authors have conducted research o IT firms for assessing the role of HR practices on employee retention. This annotation has put great emphasis on the human resource practices, which are highly required for creating job satisfaction and organizational commitment. As per this article, satisfied and committed employees are more likely to be retained in their organization for longer period. The author of this article has taken initiatives to cover broader aspects of human resources practices for long term employee retention (Rose Raja, 2016). The research conducted on 180 employees of IT firms in Bangalore has ensured that proper salary structure, positive work environment, reward and recognition enhance happiness of the employees. Such happy employees are more likely to stay in organization for longer time as compared to those of unhappy employees. The distinctive feature of the article is that it has covered wide aspect of human resource practices. However, the article has lack of adequate secondary sources regarding the human resources practices for retaining the employees. Hence, this article may be ineffective to write literature review on the same topic. Shuchih Ernest Chang; Anne Yenching Liu; Sungmin Lin are affiliated to National Chung Hsing University of Taiwan. The annotation has illuminated on the privacy boundaries and explored the reactions of the employees on employee monitoring system. The author has articulated the impact of communication privacy turbulence on the employees. The findings of the research article have demonstrated that control oriented organization culture mostly raised communication privacy turbulence in the workplace. As per this article, the employees show resistance, when they are forced to accept the practice of employee monitoring. The author has implied that unethical employee monitoring leads to mistrust among the employees for the employers. Previous studies have also focused on the negative impact of organizational infringement on organizational culture. However, this article has specifically focused on employee monitoring and perception of the employees regarding unethical employee monitoring syst em (Chang et al., 2015). The sample size of the article is inadequate for proving the authenticity of the information regarding communication privacy turbulence. However, the findings of the research article demonstrated that the employees in several of industries have different types of perceptions regarding employee monitoring practices. The distractive feature of the article has huge numbers of secondary information on the privacy monitoring activities. Hence, this article may be useful in creating literature review on the same topic. Stephane Renaud and Lucie Morinare affiliated to University of Montral and University of Qubec in Montral of Canada. On the other hand, Jean-Yves Saulquin and Jocelyne Abraham are affiliated to University of the Loire Valley and University Franois-Rabelais in Tours of France. This annotation has majorly focused on the best human resource practice for retaining the employees in the organizations for longer period of time. The article has specifically researched on the HRM practices for functional retention of the employees for longer period. Apart from that, the author has also focused on fact whether the impact of HRM practice on employee retention differs on the basis of employee status or not. Unlike the previous studies, this article has put its focus on five specific HRM practice for retaining employees, which are like respectful work environment, innovative benefits, satisfactory training and development and incentive programs. Multiple surveys conducted on the new employees of Canadian subsidiary of an international information technology (IT) firm have proved the reliability and authenticity of information (Renaud et al., 2015). However, the conclusion of the article has not been perfectly aligned with the objective of the research. The distinctive feature of the article is its major source of authentic information, which can be helpful in writing literature review on the topic. The above annotation has explored the impact of rewards on the job satisfaction and employee retention of the employees. As per this article, the compensation system plays a significant role on the commitment level of the employees for their organizations. The author has broadly discussed the provision of lucrative remuneration package on the employee retention policy. From the data collection it can be seen that the employers should effectively identify the financial and material needs for the employees. Such financial needs and material needs of the employees can be effectively fulfilled through proper and lucrative rewards (Terera Ngirande, 2014). The article has made a clear linkage between the employee job satisfaction and employee retention through proper reward system. However, the sample size of the article is inadequate for sourcing most authentic information regarding the impact of reward system. The distinctive feature of the article is that it covered broader aspect of e mployee reward system. Hence, this article can be effectively used to create literature review. References Chang, S. E., Liu, A. Y., Lin, S. (2015). Exploring privacy and trust for employee monitoring.Industrial Management Data Systems,115(1), 88-106. Gusdorf, M. L. (2008). Recruitment and Selection: Hiring the Right Person.USA: Society for Human Resource Management. Karthiga, M., Karthi, D., Balaishwarya, M. (2015). Recruitment and Selection Process.International Journal Of Scientific And Research Publications,5(4), 1-4. Kumari, N. (2012). A Study of the Recruitment and Selection process: SMC Global.Industrial Engineering Letters,2(1), 34-43. Moussa, M. (2015). Monitoring employee behavior through the use of technology and issues of employee privacy in America.Sage Open,5(2), 2158244015580168. Nabi, G., Wei, S., Husheng, X., Shabbir, M., Altaf, M., Zhao, S. (2014). Effective Recruitment and Selection Procedures: an Analytical Study Based on Public Sector Universities of Pakistan.Public Policy and Administration Research,4(10), 12-20. Renaud, S., Morin, L., Saulquin, J. Y., Abraham, J. (2015). What are the best HRM practices for retaining experts? A longitudinal study in the Canadian information technology sector.International Journal of Manpower,36(3), 416-432. Rose, S., Raja, K. (2016). Role of Hr Practices, Job Satisfaction, and Organization Commitment in Employee Retention.CLEAR International Journal of Research in Commerce Management,7(10), 1-2. Sugarman, S. D. (2003). " Lifestyle" Discrimination in Employment.Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law,24(2), 377-438. Terera, S. R., Ngirande, H. (2014). The impact of rewards on job satisfaction and employee retention.Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,5(1), 481. Visa, A., Einolander, J., Vanharanta, H. (2015). New Tools to Help in the Recruitment Process.Procedia Manufacturing,3, 653-659. Yerby, J. (2013). Legal and ethical issues of employee monitoring.Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management,1(2), 44-55. Practices, Job Satisfaction, and Organization Commitment in Employee Retention.CLEAR International Journal of Research in Commerce Management,7(10), 1-2.

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