Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Coca Cola Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Coca Cola Company - Essay Example Unlike many companies that have diverse products for specific market segments, Coca-Cola’s products are affordable for any market and therefore have more mass-focused strategies than individual group segmentation. Coca-Cola products, their sub-brands, have value to consumers of virtually any socioeconomic status and are conveniently priced to have mass group appeal. Demographic segmentation is usually the strategy of choice based on regional ages, incomes, and cultural lifestyles. There is no need for geographic, purchase occasion, or benefit segmentation since sales of Coca-Cola products will be conducted with the audience available during the Games presentations. Psychographic concepts should be included in the segmentation strategy to identify with diverse cultures from Asia, North America, Australia, and Africa. A common consumer need in this environment is thirst, with specific brand selections being the only distinction between what items sell in high volumes. â€Å"A s oft drink, especially a carbonated one, is a frivolous purchase†. This categorizes soft drinks as convenience products that are there to fill a specific refreshment need with multiple target audiences. Because of the reality of this product in relation to consumer needs, excessive targeting strategies would likely defeat the purpose of gaining consumer attention and also strain the marketing budget for ongoing, separate promotional materials. Therefore, targeting involves creating a singular strategy that will have mass group appeal.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Effect of Incorporation of Carrot Powder in Wheat Flour Essay Example for Free

Effect of Incorporation of Carrot Powder in Wheat Flour Essay Effect of Incorporation of Carrot Powder in Wheat Flour for the Preparation of Stick Noodles Kripa Shakya1 and Anup Halwai2 1. College of Applied Food and Dairy Technology,Kathamndu, Nepal 2. Department of Food Technology and Quality Control, Kathamndu, Nepal [emailprotected] com Abstract Noodles were prepared by incorporating carrot powder in the percentage of 5, 10, 15 and 20 in wheat flour. The main objective of the work was to prepare the nutritious noodle enriched with Vitamin A. Sensory evaluation of the carrot powder incorporated stick noodles revealed that the product prepared with 5% carrot powder and 95% wheat flour was found to be most acceptable. The chemical analysis of the most acceptable product were found out to be 10. 8% moisture, 0. 6% fat, 10. 3 % crude protein, 0. 7% crude fiber,1. 7% total ash, 0. 1% acid insoluble ash, 75. 8% carbohydrate and 12166 I. U. Vitamin A content. Keywords: Noodle, wheat flour, carrot powder, Vitamin A 1. Introduction: Noodles are among the oldest forms of the processed foods consumed in Asia and other parts of the world (Hou, 2001). Noodles can be prepared from wheat flour alone and/or in combination with other ingredients such as rice flour, buckwheat and mung bean.. In the noodle preparation, a crumbly dough is formed which is then passed through a series of rolls to form a sheet. The sheet is then slit to produce noodles (Hou, 2001). Carrot (Daucus carota) is a root vegetable, usually orange or red- white blend in color with crisp texture when fresh. Carrot gets its characteristic and bright orange color from ? carotene, which is metabolized into vitamin A in human when bile salts are present in the intestines. Carrots are also rich in dietary fiber, and antioxidants. Carrot can also promote colon health as it is rich in fiber. Vitamin A deficiency remains widespread in many countries in South Asia and contributes to a significant proportion of preventable blindness (Bloem, 1997). Vitamin A supplementation can reduce the risk of blindness in case of the children (Hennig et al. 1991). In Nepal, two types of noodles are consumed. They are stick (sinke) noodle and instant noodle. In case of instant noodle, different ingredients and nutrients has been added to improve the nutrient content and to increase the consumer appeal such as iron, calcium and vitamin A and different flavors like spinach, chicken and vegetables. But, to the best of my knowledge, in case of noodles, no such studies have been conducted. The main objective of this research is to prepare the noodle enriched with Vitamin A and to analyze its chemical composition of the product. 2. Materials and methods: The raw materials used for the noodle making for wheat flour, carrot powder and salt. Five samples of stick noodles were prepared and labeled A (0% carrot powder and 100% wheat flour), B (5% carrot powder and 95% wheat flour), C (10% carrot powder and 90% wheat flour), D (15% carrot powder and 85% wheat flour) and E (20% carrot powder and 80% wheat flour). Wheat flour was cleaned by passing through a fine sieve screen. Fresh carrots were washed with potable water, sliced, dried at 100Â ±2 ? C for 6 hours. The dried carrots were then powdered in the grinder. Salt was bought from the local market. The method involved cleaning of raw materials, sieving, mixing, of water, kneading, sheeting, cutting, drying and packaging. The raw materials were weighed and mixed manually. 1% of salt was added to the mixture. The required amount of water (33%) was added to the flour. The mixture was kneaded manually to form dough and then left for 30 minutes. The dough was passed through rollers to obtain a sheet. Then it was passed through the cutter to cut into strips. The noodles were dried at a low humidity room for 3 days and then sun drying was done for 1 hour. The products were packed in a plastic bag to protect from the moisture absorption and also to extend its shelf-life. Sensory evaluation of the five noodles samples were performed. Ten panelists were asked to score for the quality attributes viz. , color, flavor, texture and taste in order of their preference according the 9-point Hedonic rating test described by Ranganna (1994). Chemical analyses were performed for the best sample from the sensory evaluation The moisture content and ash content were determined as per AOAC method (1995)Fat rude fiber content and protein content were determined as per Ranganna, 1994. Vitamin content was determined by HPLC as prescribed by Pharmacopeia, 1985. The product was also tested for physical properties such as length, color, edge and thickness. The cooking quality of the product was also determined in terms of cooking time, water absorption capacity, volume expansion and cooking loss as per Poudyal, 1988. 3. Results and Discussions The moisture content of the wheat flour was determined as 12. 2% and its gluten content was determined as 10%. To make noodles, the wheat flour containing 10-12% gluten is suitable. The quality of the wheat flour to make noodles depend on the gluten. If the gluten content is low, there is chance of breakage of noodles. Similarly, the moisture content of the carrot powder was determined as 9. 5%. Sample A with 5% carrot powder had the highest score in terms of quality attributes although the quality attributes among other products except product D (with 20% carrot powder) were not significantly different. (p=0. 05) In case of stick noodle, according to Nepal Standard, the moisture content must not exceed 12. 5%. The moisture content of both type of noodle is less than 12. 5% and there is no big difference between the moisture content of the two products. The protein content of stick noodle must not be less than 8% on dry basis. The protein content of plain noodle was found to be 10. 2% and that of carrot noodle was found to be 10. 3%. There was not much difference in the protein content because the protein content in carrot is very low. Fat is an energy giving constituent. Fat content of the plain noodle was found to be 0. 6% and that of carrot noodle was found to be 0. 6%. The fiber content of the plain noodle was found to be 0. 35% and that of carrot noodle was found to be 0. 7%. The fiber content in high in carrot.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Genetically Modified Plants in Agriculture :: GMOs Genetically Modified Foods

Genetically Modified Plants in Agriculture The use of agriculture to grow edible plants is an essential step in the worldwide goal of nations to maintain self-sufficiency. Through agriculture, crops are raised by the cultivation of soils, in conjunction with the biological processes that allow for plant growth. In recent years, genetic engineering has enabled plant scientists to insert genes from one type of plant species, which will express a desired trait, into a different plant species that had not been able to obtain the genes through cross fertilization or other natural pathways. The possibilities arising from the use of genetically modified (GM) plants seem as an excellent answer to the overwhelming problems of environmental degradation and food instability worldwide, but society is now faced with the possible implications that could occur with an influx of "new" plants. These implications lead to a massive debate ranging from health issues to who owns seeds that are produced by GM plants. Included in this debate as well is the question of how much power should be given to large multinational companies who have developed the new technology. Farming and agricultural methods have become far more complex, as they have evolved throughout time. Ancient methods allowed for the taming of plants and animals to provide for a transition from nomadic lifestyles of constantly moving in search of food and water, to the agricultural lifestyle of self-sufficiency at a permanent residence. Evolution in the complexity of agricultural methods and techniques has occurred in part due to a search for maximum efficiency by an advancing society. Efficiency has always been a dominant motivational factor for new techniques to be allocated in this field, and in this last century, especially in the last decade, changes unfathomable to farmers past and present have taken place along the lines of efficiency. Along with increased use of fertilizers, high-yielding hybrid seed varieties that have been produced by plant breeding techniques have dramatically increased the average production per land area. In recent years, the scientific community has developed a process enabling genetic engineers to insert genes expressing a desired trait into crops that had not been able to obtain these genes from other species through cross fertilization methods. These genes can then be passed down to the seeds of the newly recombined plant and will be expressed in the generations following. The Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources better describes how genetic modification technology affects agriculture in the present era:

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Shot that Ricocheted through History Essay -- essays research papers

â€Å" A Shot That Ricocheted Through History†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Medgar Evers was a man who was not afraid to stand up for what he believed in. He believed that one-day blacks and whites would be able to associate with each other without racial interference. He would later die for what he believed and leave an example for all who was following in his path. The man believed to have shot him was tried three times and finally convicted in the third trial nearly thirty years after his death. Evers was seen as a martyr for all black to look up to.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As civil rights began to gain attention of the United States, blacks decided they needed to change their approach from court cases to a more nonviolent approach. On August 28, 1963, the movement reached its strongest points. They made a march at Washington D. C., and wanted to federal civil rights legislation to give them equal rights. This is where Martin Luther King gave his famous â€Å"I Have A Dream† speech. King believed that most whites were basically decent and when faced by love would allow injustice and brutality to continue. (Jordan) The nonviolent approach would prove to be a better approach for them in later times.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When blacks began charging their approach, they began preferring sit-ins. This all started at a public lunch counter at F. W. Woolsworth’s in Greensboro, North Carolina and began to spread to all public land counties across the south. As sit-ins became more common, they moved to other public places such as parks, movie theatres, swimming pools, libraries, lobbies, and many other segregated facilities. After several months of sit-ins, they began to become desegregated. Blacks also began a strong movement to get public schools desegregated as well. They finally succeeded with Ole Miss, when they accepted James Meredith into the school. President Kennedy also tried to help blacks by approaching the problem with caution. He did this by encouraging company with government contracts to hire black Americans.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On July 2, 1925 in Decatur, Ms, a black man by the name of Medgar Wiley Evers was born. Until he joined the Army in 1943, he attended school in Decatur. He served Normandy and to Alcorn to pursue his college education in which he majored in business administration. While there, he participated in many school... ...egacy of Evers is everywhere present today. This peaceful man, who had constantly urged that violence is not the way ,but paid for his beliefs with his life, was a prominent voice of struggle for civil rights in Mississippi.† Many people, including his wife paid tribute to him into years past. His wife wrote a book called For Us, The Living, but the best is said to be, Mississippi, Black History Makers. Ten years after his death it was recorded that there had been one hundred and forty five black officials elected to office in Mississippi, and that there was a black student in each of the states private schools. In 1970, the Department of Health, Education, and welfare said that twenty-six percent of black people in the Mississippi public schools system with at least fifty percent white enrollment. In 1913, there were only twenty eight thousand blacks registered voters, and by 1971 there were two hundred and fifty thousand. Even in 1982, there were five hundred thousand. (J DP) Though the hard work and struggle of one man was ended with death, the changed be brought about are still evident today. This has only made Mississippi a better and more peaceful place to live for all races. A Shot that Ricocheted through History Essay -- essays research papers â€Å" A Shot That Ricocheted Through History†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Medgar Evers was a man who was not afraid to stand up for what he believed in. He believed that one-day blacks and whites would be able to associate with each other without racial interference. He would later die for what he believed and leave an example for all who was following in his path. The man believed to have shot him was tried three times and finally convicted in the third trial nearly thirty years after his death. Evers was seen as a martyr for all black to look up to.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As civil rights began to gain attention of the United States, blacks decided they needed to change their approach from court cases to a more nonviolent approach. On August 28, 1963, the movement reached its strongest points. They made a march at Washington D. C., and wanted to federal civil rights legislation to give them equal rights. This is where Martin Luther King gave his famous â€Å"I Have A Dream† speech. King believed that most whites were basically decent and when faced by love would allow injustice and brutality to continue. (Jordan) The nonviolent approach would prove to be a better approach for them in later times.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When blacks began charging their approach, they began preferring sit-ins. This all started at a public lunch counter at F. W. Woolsworth’s in Greensboro, North Carolina and began to spread to all public land counties across the south. As sit-ins became more common, they moved to other public places such as parks, movie theatres, swimming pools, libraries, lobbies, and many other segregated facilities. After several months of sit-ins, they began to become desegregated. Blacks also began a strong movement to get public schools desegregated as well. They finally succeeded with Ole Miss, when they accepted James Meredith into the school. President Kennedy also tried to help blacks by approaching the problem with caution. He did this by encouraging company with government contracts to hire black Americans.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On July 2, 1925 in Decatur, Ms, a black man by the name of Medgar Wiley Evers was born. Until he joined the Army in 1943, he attended school in Decatur. He served Normandy and to Alcorn to pursue his college education in which he majored in business administration. While there, he participated in many school... ...egacy of Evers is everywhere present today. This peaceful man, who had constantly urged that violence is not the way ,but paid for his beliefs with his life, was a prominent voice of struggle for civil rights in Mississippi.† Many people, including his wife paid tribute to him into years past. His wife wrote a book called For Us, The Living, but the best is said to be, Mississippi, Black History Makers. Ten years after his death it was recorded that there had been one hundred and forty five black officials elected to office in Mississippi, and that there was a black student in each of the states private schools. In 1970, the Department of Health, Education, and welfare said that twenty-six percent of black people in the Mississippi public schools system with at least fifty percent white enrollment. In 1913, there were only twenty eight thousand blacks registered voters, and by 1971 there were two hundred and fifty thousand. Even in 1982, there were five hundred thousand. (J DP) Though the hard work and struggle of one man was ended with death, the changed be brought about are still evident today. This has only made Mississippi a better and more peaceful place to live for all races.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Modern Technology in Daily Life

Can you imagine a world without technology? Well, back then they had no access to any type of electronic. As time went by, electronics has changed over time and influenced others, especially social life. Now technology such as video games and cellular devices has affected us both positively and negatively. Sometimes when you get bored or take a break you start to play your smartphones. You check Instagram, texting your friends, or start to play games. But then you realize you spend more time on your phone than doing what you were suppose to do before. Phones can be a negative and positive influence in your life.A positive effect of cell phones is that they have revolutionized communication and made it easier to contact someone exactly at the moment that we need. Also, phones offer features that have many other benefits. A negative effect on phones is that you get off track and when you try to concentrate again, you cannot focus or even remember what you were doing. In addition, the l ack of communication with your family and friends increases. You tend to talk to them through text instead of talking to each other. Smartphones can be a tool of convenience, but at the same time they can be a distraction.The internet is so popular nowadays that about everyone uses it. It can be accessed by users Now that we have access to internet in almost everywhere, it can be an advantage and a disadvantage. What are they? The internet on society is that it provides the ability to access unlimited information and it also allows you connect and interact with your friends worldwide. Consequently, internet can include the difficulty to remove information when you want to and it can be an absence of communication as well just like using phones. Many people have been downloading music and other copyrighted materials for free.This lead to a negative impact of music industries and several lawsuits. The internet is another factor that influence social life today. Whether good or bad, te levision has been in our lives for a long time. Some think it’s a harm to our society and some think it’s a great invention. Television provides a variety of information that includes the news, advertisements, and events. It can also provide lots of entertainment such as music, comedy, drama, shows, and movies straight to home. It is very convenient and an affordable technology to use. On the other hand, television may have violent action films that increases crime rate and  violent acts in people. Some can be addicted into watching TV and decrease the amount of exercise causing people to be obese. Television is another aspect in our society that affects us greatly.Technology and electronics have been changing a lot through the past several centuries and have a great connection in the society today. Some can be disadvantages and advantages to us. Critical technology such as television, cellular devices and the internet changed through small ideas and change the world . In conclusion, whether if it is good or bad, technology had changed the people and the society worldwide extremely.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Why I Voted for John Kerry essays

Why I Voted for John Kerry essays Everyone I know is a Democrat. My father, my friends, and even most of my teachers growing up were all Democrats. Because of this, I was brought up to be one. As I grew older, I became more interested in politics and formed my own opinions on how I wanted to vote in the 2004 election. I liked the ideas that Kerry brought to the American people, and I knew I did not like Bush very much seeing as it seemed as though America had seen better days with Clinton. I did not like some of the changes that Bush was making in office. I do not know very much about politics, but some issues I do have a stand on. I made my decision based on my beliefs compared to Kerry and Bush. So for my first year as a registered voter, I voted for John Kerry. A lot of people who voted for Bush chose him because he was religious. They call these voters "moral values voters." When you are voting for someone to run an entire country, in my opinion, what the person's personal opinions on things such as whether gay marriage should be legalized or not is irrelevant. A subject such as someone's sexual preference does not directly affect a nation. People may not agree with it, but there are a lot of things that a lot of people do not agree with. I agree somewhat with Bush because he is opposed to abortion. But he also thinks that it should be okay if the woman is pregnant because of incest or rape. Kerry supported abortion and endorsed family planning and health insurance plans that provide abortion counseling and contraceptive coverage. I liked Kerry's plan although I believe that abortion is wrong in all cases. You have no right to kill a human being whether it was a mistake or not. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that the child was meant to come into the world. In the 2000 campaign, Bush said, "I don't think you should support the death penalty to seek revenge, I don't think that's right. I think the reason to support the death penalty is th...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on The First Amendment

The First Amendment No other democratic society in the world permits personal freedoms to the degree of the United States of America. Within the last sixty years, American courts, especially the Supreme Court, have developed a set of legal doctrines that thoroughly protect all forms of the freedom of expression. When it comes to evaluating the degree to which we take advantage of the opportunity to express our opinions, some members of society may be guilty of violating the bounds of the First Amendment by publicly offending others through obscenity or racism. Americans have developed a distinct disposition toward the freedom of expression throughout history. The First Amendment clearly voices a great American respect toward the freedom of religion. It also prevents the government from "abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Since the early history of our country, the protection of ba sic freedoms has been of the utmost importance to Americans. In Langston Hughes' poem, "Freedom," he emphasizes the struggle to enjoy the freedoms that he knows are rightfully his. He reflects the American desire for freedom now when he says, "I do not need my freedom when I'm dead. I cannot live on tomorrow's bread." He recognizes the need for freedom in its entirety without compromise or fear. I think Langston Hughes captures the essence of the American immigrants' quest for freedom in his poem, "Freedom's Plow." He accurately describes Americans as arriving with nothing but dreams and building America with the hopes of finding greater freedom or freedom for the first time. He depicts how people of all backgrounds worked together for one cause: freedom. Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 is a fictitious example of the evils of censorship in a world that is becoming illiterate. In this book, the government convinces the public that book r... Free Essays on The First Amendment Free Essays on The First Amendment The First Amendment No other democratic society in the world permits personal freedoms to the degree of the United States of America. Within the last sixty years, American courts, especially the Supreme Court, have developed a set of legal doctrines that thoroughly protect all forms of the freedom of expression. When it comes to evaluating the degree to which we take advantage of the opportunity to express our opinions, some members of society may be guilty of violating the bounds of the First Amendment by publicly offending others through obscenity or racism. Americans have developed a distinct disposition toward the freedom of expression throughout history. The First Amendment clearly voices a great American respect toward the freedom of religion. It also prevents the government from "abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Since the early history of our country, the protection of ba sic freedoms has been of the utmost importance to Americans. In Langston Hughes' poem, "Freedom," he emphasizes the struggle to enjoy the freedoms that he knows are rightfully his. He reflects the American desire for freedom now when he says, "I do not need my freedom when I'm dead. I cannot live on tomorrow's bread." He recognizes the need for freedom in its entirety without compromise or fear. I think Langston Hughes captures the essence of the American immigrants' quest for freedom in his poem, "Freedom's Plow." He accurately describes Americans as arriving with nothing but dreams and building America with the hopes of finding greater freedom or freedom for the first time. He depicts how people of all backgrounds worked together for one cause: freedom. Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 is a fictitious example of the evils of censorship in a world that is becoming illiterate. In this book, the government convinces the public that book r...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Characters names in the Scarlet Letter essays

Characters names in the Scarlet Letter essays I believe that the characters names in The Scarlet Letter reveal the characters traits a great deal. The characters of Roger Chillingworth, Arthur Dimmesdale, and Pearl are the most dominant. Their names portray adjectives that are displayed as part of the characters personality. Roger Chillingworth is kind of a shady character in the novel. The chilling part of his name is displayed through his trickery towards Dimmesdale and how he is deceiving throughout the story. The uneven shoulders would be a scary trait that would relate back to chillingas well. The way he is described is scary enough and his name just adds to it. The name of Arthur Dimmesdale is another one. He is a handsome, unmarried pastor of Hesters church. Usually pastors are glorious people who always have a kind of light around them. However, Arthur is hiding something so his light is dimmed. Hes committed adultery and the more he tries to cover it up or confess his guilt, the more his followers begin to like him. It causes a lot of pain and guilt inside of him therefore representing the dimness of his character. The final and most prominent one is that of Pearl. Pearls are very rare jewels. The little girl in the novel is a rare child. She is the product of sin and yet she seems to be so beautiful. Everyone in the town talks about how shes so pretty but that shes the devil child. The names Nathaniel Hawthorne gave to the characters in the book I believe were directly related to how they acted. He wanted another clue to help get his point across to the reader. The characters personality reflect their names. ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Informative speech- My chemistry professor Essay

Informative speech- My chemistry professor - Essay Example Little did I know that this person was going to be my saviour and mentor. During his classes, there was no time to waste and I told myself that I was going to excel in his subject. For real, I passed his class with flying colours and I am very proud of myself even up to date. This experience taught me a very important lesson. I reasised that hard work and perseverance are the gateways to success in life. I also learned that it is very important to have self confidence in whatever you are doing. It later emerged that all the classes that I have taken after him seem to be easy. I have learned to study hard from this wonderful person and I always strive to hand in quality workfor different classes. My results for different subjects have also significantly improved as a result of the inspiration that I got from my chemistry professor. This was a great lesson that I will never forget. The other thing that I learned from this person is that you should always strive to learn from your mistakes. I now believe that practice makes perfect and this also depends with the effort you put in whatever you are

Friday, October 18, 2019

Knowledge and skills expected to acquire from M.Sc in Project Essay

Knowledge and skills expected to acquire from M.Sc in Project Management - Essay Example "Like any other manager, the project manager has to have team building skills, leadership skills, planning skills, administrative skills and organizational skills. But there are more skills such as entrepreneurial skills, resource allocation skills and management of technical expertise"(Russell, 55). These skills can be acquired only through the exposure to professional project management techniques.Knowledge about various project management tools are very essential for the planning of resources and execution of the project. "Project management has become a necessity in many corporations because of the increasing pressure due to increase in technology, more money invested in R & D, more information available and shortening of project life cycles"(Kerzner, 31). A person without special knowledge about the risks involved and the techniques to handle the risks cannot make the project a success. Hence, I aspire to acquire knowledge about special tools and techniques, skills related to te am development, resources utilization and entrepreneurship which are essential to avoid duplication of work, wastage of resources and conflicts among team members. These skills and knowledge is very essential because, "when a person is appointed as a project manager, as he assumes accountability for the resources used and the result achieved"(Kerzner and Thamhain, 195- 197) 2. Development of my career in future with M. Sc in Project Management "When a person is exposed to information from different sources, the person develops strategies for processing information, these strategies may be habitual or ingrained". (David Whetton, 68). To explain further, to be successful, a person has to learn continuously and it is clear from Whetton's argument that knowledge base is essential for competitive advantage which is very essential for my career. "The other characters essential for senior level executives are problem solving ability, capacity to generate alternatives and to encourage innovation" (Riley, 67). The management skills and project management skills acquired can make me more fluent with the ideas from different sources and can increase my flexibility in making decisions. "Fluency of ideas and flexibility of thought are the ways to generate alternatives to solve problems" (Sternberg, 23). The creative problem solving techniques which I acquire in this course will be very helpful in fostering innovation and critical thinking of my team members and set priorities with my superiors. Another major way in which this course can be useful in my career development is by helping me to influence others. "Influencing others is a major factor to build effective teams and to lead the team to success"(Cuming, 19). A manager can influence others to achieve a common goal only when he is able to set priorities, clear about the goal and aware of the errors that are commonly done. The manager has to be able to communicate the ideas, encourage participation and lead the team. To effectively overcome interpersonal conflicts on the job, the project manager should be able to positively influence others. All these characteristics mentioned above are essential hence, this course will be very vital for my growth as I like challenges. 3. Academic strengths and weaknesses The major strength academically is that I was able to apply my knowledge I acquired in my B.Sc (Honors) degree in my job. "Conceptual knowledge should be met with opportunities to practice and apply observable behavior"(Bandura, 43). My current job is very useful to apply the knowledge I gathered from

Irelnd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Irelnd - Essay Example Much of this success hs been the outcome of dynmic socil progrms developed by Irish government nd dministrtive deprtments imed to chieve greter socil performnce. It ws bsiclly Irelnd's ttempt to provide good working reltionship within the country s well s to rech consequency in immigrtion policy nd interntionliztion process tht shped country's socil policy. The generl orienttion in setting socil politicl or economic gols ws reching greement with the United Kingdom tht would enble the two governments to chieve significnt progress in the serch for pece in Northern Irelnd. These nd other fctors of internl nd externl socil policy of Republic of Irelnd will be exmined in the following pper. Prticulr focus on the interntionl sources of politicl, economic, nd socil trnsformtion will be mde to cover the ptterns of the topic. It is rgued tht these influences hve been the primry source of chnge in Irelnd since 1980 nd hve produced significnt benefits s well s certin problems for Irish society. Together with pressures for chnge by modernizing elites within Irelnd, who themselves were motivted prtly by their interntionl perspective, these internl nd externl fctors of socil policy hve creted synergistic process of chnge tht hs trnsformed the nture of Irish society. Due to Irish dispor nd close economic ties to Britin, Irelnd hs lwys hd significnt interntionl links nd strong position on interntionl mrket. But the trditionlism of Irish culture, reflected especilly by the profound nd powerful plce of the Ctholic Church, gve the ntion n insulr nd defensive qulity from independence through the 1960s. However by the erly 1990s the Republic of Irelnd hd received reputtion s highly dynmic, modern, nd successful ntion. Rpid economic growth in the 1990s hs resulted in high economic indictors nd nd result positive chnged in socil policy of the country. In 1996 per cpit gross domestic product (GDP) ws bigger thn the United Kingdom (UK) figure, nd growth since 1992 hs been especilly strong (Irelnd, 1997). In fct, through 1993-1999 Irelnd hd the highest GDP growth rte in the Europen Union (EU), nd its per cpit GDP by 1999 ws 112% of the EU verge (Europen Union, 2001). The consequences of culturl chnge produced verifictions to Irish economy nd prospects of its politicl sitution. In the erly 80th, Irelnd ws poor compred to the UK nd Europe's dvnced economies. But it ws not poor in comprison to the economies of Norwy nd nd Finlnd for exmple. (Kennedy, Giblin, & McHugh, 1988, pp. 14-15). Its popultion ws reltively literte, nd its trnsporttion fcilities, bnks, nd housing were reltively modern. lthough not industrilized, it nevertheless hd productive griculturl sector nd followed contemporry business prctices (Hughton, 1995). Of prticulr importnce ws griculturl reform prior to independence tht hd turned ntion where mny hd been exploited tennt frmers into n griculturl system chrcterized by privte ownership by independent frmers. long with significntly incresed interntionliztion of the Irish culture, lte 90th hve produced sound openness nd liberlism in the country (Gllign, 1996, 1998; O'Toole, 1996, pp. 11-22). Of gret importnce is the Good Fridy greement reched in pril 1998 tht creted opportunities for peceful settlement

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Internet-Driven IS Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

Internet-Driven IS Development - Essay Example Information technology or information systems development in the organization relate to one such operational strategy that utilizes the organizational resources - physical and human - as also the processes for achieving the other strategies relating to a business or top-level corporate aims. Business-related IT initiatives are strategies that strive to achieve desired strategic objectives by applying the organization’s internal capabilities and external drivers in the immediate industry environment in which the organization operates. The organizational capabilities include competencies and resources that provide a competitive edge in countering competition from within the industry. In conjunction with external drivers in the industry environment, the strategy and operational decisions get integrated into a successful process delivery (Johnson, et al, 2008). The formulation of suitable strategy, choosing and acting upon available options for operational delivery and for attaining competitive position is a comprehensive approach most often sought to be driven by adopting the technology, particularly computer and internet technology. A strategic business information systems development is thus a critical necessity for an organization of repute and size to achieve in delivering on its competitive position. First, the firm has to understand where it stands with respect to the environment and its internal capabilities. The next step involves the actual choice of direction and method by which the strategy is affected. The analysis of the firm’s external macro-environment can help identify the key drivers in the industry that can determine the strategic choices made. In case of changes in the environment, such analysis can also be used to reframe the strategy. Among the external drivers, the state of technology and its adoption has a sig nificant effect in giving direction to the organizational strategies.

Globalization and Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Globalization and Culture - Essay Example In my opinion, globalization is a modernizing force than can nurture local cultures and allow them to spread across the world. Globalization is not a destroyer of local cultures and traditions. It is an opportunity for local, regional, and ethnic cultures and traditions to spread and grow. Owing to cultural globalization, cross-cultural contacts have significantly increased. These interactions have shaped the world to be what it is today. For example, religion may be considered a cultural practice. On that note, religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam all began in specific places of the world (Fu and Chiu 637). Today, thanks to globalization, these religions are practiced in almost every corner of the world. These common religions have been embraced and accepted by different people from all over the world because of globalization. Globalization has enabled the crossing of international boundaries, therefore, allowing cross-cultural contacts that have led to the spread of these religions. This shows that globalization is not a destroyer of cultures and traditions. It is, in fact, a promoter of cultures and traditions (Fu and Chiu 638). Other cultural practices such as traditional music from Africa, for example, have been able to reach the Western world because of globalization. Globalization has allowed locally recorded music to reach audiences from all over the world (Fu and Chiu 639). Also, Anglo-American pop music has been able to spread everywhere through mediums such as MTV. These cultural practices have not been destroyed. In fact, globalization has helped to spread them all over the globe, and they are constantly being accepted by more and more people. Traditional recreational practices such as sports, games, and other leisure activities have also gained popularity in regions that they never used to be practiced before. Football is a good example (Fu and Chiu 640). Language, being part of culture, has also benefitted from

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Internet-Driven IS Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

Internet-Driven IS Development - Essay Example Information technology or information systems development in the organization relate to one such operational strategy that utilizes the organizational resources - physical and human - as also the processes for achieving the other strategies relating to a business or top-level corporate aims. Business-related IT initiatives are strategies that strive to achieve desired strategic objectives by applying the organization’s internal capabilities and external drivers in the immediate industry environment in which the organization operates. The organizational capabilities include competencies and resources that provide a competitive edge in countering competition from within the industry. In conjunction with external drivers in the industry environment, the strategy and operational decisions get integrated into a successful process delivery (Johnson, et al, 2008). The formulation of suitable strategy, choosing and acting upon available options for operational delivery and for attaining competitive position is a comprehensive approach most often sought to be driven by adopting the technology, particularly computer and internet technology. A strategic business information systems development is thus a critical necessity for an organization of repute and size to achieve in delivering on its competitive position. First, the firm has to understand where it stands with respect to the environment and its internal capabilities. The next step involves the actual choice of direction and method by which the strategy is affected. The analysis of the firm’s external macro-environment can help identify the key drivers in the industry that can determine the strategic choices made. In case of changes in the environment, such analysis can also be used to reframe the strategy. Among the external drivers, the state of technology and its adoption has a sig nificant effect in giving direction to the organizational strategies.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Methods and Procedures to Form the Government Contracts in Saudi Essay

Methods and Procedures to Form the Government Contracts in Saudi Arabia and the UNICTRAL Rules - Essay Example It compares it with the Saudi legislation in the government contracting procedures. Government procurement market is one of the largest markets in the world. Countries spend billions of dollars yearly to meet the needs in the various sectors of health, educational and municipal services, communications and technology. Therefore, it is not unforeseen that the issue of government procurement obtains great attention and consideration locally and internationally. Government Contract is an important tool used by the administration to achieve its requirements to ensure that the regularity of the public utilities. In consideration of the importance of government procurement law, many local and international organizations and conventions address government the contracting procedures. One of these agencies is the United Nations through â€Å"The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). It is a â€Å"Model Law on Procurement of Goods, Constrictions, and Services with Guide to Enactment.† The law empowers countries around the world to reconsider their local laws on government procurement that contains uncertainty, lack of clarity, and lack of transparency. Therefore, when countries are drafting their laws, this model law can guide them. Thus, the UNICTRAL Model Law is a model for comparison between its rules and the Government Tenders and Procurement law of Saudi Arabia, which was enacted by the Royal Decree No. M/58 dated 27 September 2006. The papers scope is limited to clarifying the contracting procedures of the government agency in Saudi Arabia when choosing the contracting party. It relates to the Government Tenders and Procurement Law. The process is applicable in the contracting to purchase items or services, whether the contracting method is sealed bidding, limited tender or the direct purchase method. Before 1966, Saudi Arabia lacked an integrated law specialized in organizing the contracts entered

Functions of packaging Essay Example for Free

Functions of packaging Essay The functions of packaging range from safety, information to its aesthetic aspects. Bill Stewart, (1996) has defined basic functions of packaging as follows: â€Å"product packaging must contain the product, protect the product from degradation, and identify its contents†. Stanley Sacharow, (1982) state that ‘although new dimensions of packaging are being investigated but until about 1900, a package had to perform only two functions: (1) To ensure safe delivery of the product to the consumer, and (2) To protect the product and ensure its shelf life. Apart from its functional attributes several researchers have explored the distinct roles of packaging and its growing importance is demanding to investigate its potential power in greater detail. (Thomas Hine, 1995) suggests Packaging as a tool for simplifying and speeding consumer buying decisions as packages promise, and usually deliver predictability. (Herbert M. Meyers and Murray J. Lubliner, 1998) sustain packaging functions that contribute to product differentiation, brand identification, appealing presentation, information, and enhancement. A package must literally shout attention to the product (James Pilditch, 1973). Forming an overall personality of the product is an integrated function stated by (Herbert Meyers and Richard Gerstman, 2005). â€Å"†¦.. Offered one example of the importance of package Colour. When 40 consumers were shown the same yogurt product in both an attractive blue cup and in an unattractive brown cup, only one consumer said the yogurt in the brown cup was superior to the same product in the blue cup. Those selecting the blue cup preferred it because it was sweeter, softer, definitely the best, Caron reported (Orloski, 1999) Packaging is no doubt an integral part of the offering of any organization to its consumers and stakeholders. It has to perform basic functions relevant to its attributes like size, Colour, graphics and shape. Various product strategies, designing and technologies can be used to achieve competitive advantage out of it. I. i. a. Components of Packaging Packaging is important component of the product business world. There are various factors which are important while making packaging decisions. With regard to main components of packaging, many different points of view have been expressed (Sonsino, 1990; Vidales Giovannetti, 1995; Hine, 1995; Underwood et al. , 2001; Cervera Fantoni, 2003). Generally speaking, a distinction is made between two blocks of components: (1) Graphic Components: Colour, Typography, Shapes/ Pictures (2) Structural Components: Shape, Size, Material (Olga Ampuero and Natalia Vila, 2006) In an article appeared in The Birmingham Post. (2005) have following lines which indicate the importance of packaging in the promotion and communication part of the business as well. â€Å"The bottle blends vintage and modern elements, while the packaging uses Williamsons signature Colour combinations of delicious pink and purple. † In other newspaper a product in children’s category has been mentioned. Here packaging is also mentioned as one of the importantly features of the product offering. â€Å"It is made with the gentlest ingredients for childrens sensitive skin, and has a delicate aroma of chamomile tea and baby powder. Included in the range is a shampoo and shower gel at pounds 15, body lotion pounds 17. 50, set of animal shaped soaps pounds 14, and a fragrance without alcohol pounds 25. The packaging is cute, decorated with drawings of animals. † (Sunday Mirror 1997) I. i. b. Multi-Faceted Dimension of Packaging Role of packaging is multifaceted. It functions to protect the product. It provides information like manufacturing date, expiry date, cautions and many others depending on the product. It is important for the storage and inventory management. Packaging plays a multi-functional role in the marketing of different products. Packaging not only protects the content of the product during physical distribution and storage in supply chain but also displays the product on the shelf in order to grab customer attention to make a choice among many competing products. Hence, packaging mainly plays a role of a silent salesman. (Sara, 1990). Designs of packaging have become one of the most important aspects of the product and it has been challenge for designers to develop packaging which can have all the attributes required. Numbers of products are sold in outlets where self service is practiced. According to Sonsino (1990) who has studied the buying behaviour and pattern within self service retail outlets, â€Å"Self-service has transferred the role of informing the customer from the sales assistant to advertising and to packaging. In an average supermarket the typical shopper passes about 300 items per minute. So it is quite obvious that a customer would be willing to pay little more for the convenience and prestige of better package. Therefore, packaging provides manufacturers with the last opportunity to persuade possible buyers before brand selection (McDaniel and Baker, 1977). This becomes even more important as nine out of ten purchasers, at least occasionally; buy on impulse (Welles, 1986). Sara (1990 p. 30) argues that â€Å"it is consumer’s subjective perspective that counts in his or her purchasing decision, not the product’s objective reality, and this in fact highlights the importance of packaging in the marketing mix. Consumers assess all the benefits of a product or supplier before making the final choice. The fact is that 95% of all retail purchased are made at prices higher than lowest possible†. (Bo Rundh, 2005) The point of purchase and impulsive shopping increases with good packaging strategies. Importance of packaging in the product mix can not be ignored for various reasons from the basic needs it fulfils safety and security of the product to the appeal and presentation of it. Greenman (2003) explains his expectations about buying behaviour. â€Å"it was my hope that their chosen treats would not only be to their liking, but would also have the creative packaging, Colours, patterns, shapes and attractive font that would make an interesting composition. † There is a need to understand consumer attitude and behaviour towards the packaging on special occasions will be investigated in greater detail. Understanding of the factors influencing consumers during special occasions will help marketer to serve target market effectively. I. ii. Cultural Implication on Packaging The increasing internationalization and globalization of business has forced many firms to reconsider different aspects of packaging that contributes to their competitive advantage. For some companies the package can make the difference example a superior design of a bottle like the export success of absolute Vodka (cap, seal, text and form of the bottle), which has become the second largest brand in the Vodka market (Bo Rundh, 2005, p. 670). An innovative packaging can even change product perception and create a new market position. Pringles potato chips are such an example whose innovative packaging differs from most competitive packages. I. ii. a. Culture Culture has been defined and described differently by various researchers, anthropologists and sociologists. The findings related to various cultures have been inputs for the business and economics sector in order to serve the mass with the products and services of their choices. Any business organization before investing or starting its business operations to any particular area within its country or other nations studies the socio-cultural background of that area. There is various definition of culture. Some of the definitions are discussed below: Culture has been defined as the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another by Hofstede G. H. (1980), whereas Van Maanen J. and Schein E. H. (1979) defined culture as values, beliefs and expectations that members come to share. According to Kroeber A. L. and Kluckhohn C. (1952) culture is defined as transmitted patterns of values, ideas and other symbolic systems that shape behaviour, while Hall E. T. and Hall M. R. (1987) defines culture as a primary system for creating, sending, storing and processing information. (Lisa Hoecklin, 1995, p. 28) In researchers view, there is a commonality reflecting in the views of all these different authors that- culture is a set of values, beliefs, customs, behaviours and expectations which is shared by members of a society and is passed on from generation to generation. Values and beliefs of an individual develops through his family background, social set ups and his own level of understandings. Individual follows customs and rituals which have passed to him from generations to generations. His behaviour is a result of the combination of his personality, customs, believes and value systems. There are certain levels of expectations from each and every individual in the society. These expectations can be personal to the individual or family or society’s expectations to him. The result of the collective behaviour of people comes in the form of culture. Culture is something where the past of the society have impact on its present. As rightly stated: Culture can neither be separated from individual and nor from the historical context. Its importance to society is equivalent to the importance of memory to an individual. As said by (Grunert, S. C. ) language, time and place help define culture. (Mooij and Marieke K. de, 2004, p. 26) I. ii. b. Hofstede’s Five Dimensions of Culture A Dutch cultural anthropologist, Geert Hofstede has developed a model of five dimensions of national culture that helps to understand basic value differences. Figure II. 2 HOFSTEDE’S FIVE DIMENSIONS OF CULTURE †¢ Power Power within a society plays vital role in its culture. Different culture has different frameworks for power and it has different implications as well. As described in Mooij and Marieke K. de (2004, p. 33) Power distance can be defined as â€Å"the extent to which less powerful members of a society accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. † Different countries can be divided by the power distance it has within its society. The high power society countries have centralized and top-down control while in the countries with low power societies are more independent and equal distribution of powers. For example: Japan can be described as high power distance cultures. Japanese people accept and give authority. Various factors constitute power within the society form the age of a person specific to the status and ownership. Within a family there are strong dependency relationships between parents and children. In the organizations bosses and subordinates show the distinct relationship due to the power. In the educational institute, professors and students share different relationship. Japanese people are least likely to change their job due to values they have developed and culture it has. On the other hand western countries have low power distance cultures. For instance Denmark people stress on equality of rights and opportunity. Within a family parents support their children to be independent at a young age. Dependency within the members of the culture is least. †¢ Self Approach of people can be different from each other from culture to culture. Within a society when majority of people are self conscious and think about their own interest first it is called individualism. People want to differentiate themselves from each other in such societies. They have private opinion about all the issues and problems and for them self actualization becomes an integral part of their life. In such cultures people are â€Å"I† conscious. Individual decisions are higher valued than group decisions. Most of the western countries display individualism culture where people are universalistic, share more explicit views and open communication and think about themselves first. On the other hand Asian and Latin American countries’ cultures show altogether different culture. This culture is known as collectivism. People are â€Å"we† conscious and think about their society or social network for each of their decisions. People have harmony among them and their cultural identity depends on the social network they belong.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Christian Dior: History and Analysis

Christian Dior: History and Analysis I chose the topic of Christian Dior and John Galliano because fashion has always interested me. Dior is one of the most well known luxury fashion brands in the world. I was really interested to see what effect the influence of a new designer had on the fashion house. I was interested to see how the designs had changed from the Christian Dior era of 1947-1957 to the present day, this will be addressed in the second and third chapters of this dissertation. I feel that this is a good topic for a dissertation because I have not been able to find an example of this study before. This means that I will compile information into a new study. The first chapter will address the history of Christian Dior, where he came from, how he started life as a designer, how he managed to get a backer for his fashion house and how well his house was managed up until his death. The second chapter will address the New Look and the branding and marketing of that era. It will focus on the reaction of the new look, how it was branded and who it was marketed to. Also this chapter will look at the typical client of Dior at the time of his success. The third chapter will address the history of John Galliano and his time at Dior, from when he was first appointed head designer to the present day. It will look at his background, his design history and how he has changed the way Dior is perceived. The fourth chapter will look at how Galliano has changed the branding and marketing of the Dior house. It will focus on how Dior has remained one of the worlds top fashion houses, who Dior is marketed to and how it is branded. All of this will show how Galliano has changed Dior. I have decided to organise my dissertation into two halves. The first two chapters will discuss the house of Dior when Christian Dior was alive. The third and fourth chapters will analyse the house of Dior with John Galliano as head designer. My aims and objectives for this dissertation are as follows; To compare how designs have changed from the New Look to the present day How Galliano has affected the house of Dior How the branding and marketing of the fashion house has changed from when Dior was alive to the present day All of these points will be kept in mind when writing the dissertation, to make sure that the research used is relevant to the topic. Chapter 1: A History of Dior Christian Dior was born on 31st January 1905 in the Normandy town Granville. At the age of five, Dior and his family moved to Paris (Design Museum n.d). To please his father he enrolled in the world renowned school, Ecole des Sciences Politiques, in hope that he would go on to have a career in politics. However he wanted to pursue a career in art or design (Design Museum n.d). In 1927, after his obligatory military service Dior decided to open an art gallery and with the help of his father he succeeded in doing so (Stegemeyer 1980:22). In 1935, after a one year stay in the south of France to recover from illness, he returned to Paris and tried to find a job but to no avail (Stegemeyer 1980:22). He started to create design sketches in his spare time and eventually he managed to find employment with Le Figaro working on fashion illustrations (Stegemeyer 1980:22). He was able to sell some of his designs to fashion houses. The most popular designs turned out to be his hat designs, although his dream was to sell dress designs (Stegemeyer 1980:22). He perfected his designs and was able to sell some of them to renowned designer Robert Piguet (Stegemeyer 1980:22). Piguet was impressed with his work and commissioned Dior to make a number of his dresses for one of his upcoming shows (Stegemeyer 1980:22). He was later hired as a designer. However, his job was to be put on hold when he was called back to the military when the Second World War began (Stegemeyer 1980:22). Robert Piguet asked Dior to come back and work for him af ter the fall of Paris (Stegemeyer 1980:22). Dior declined the offer and stayed in the south of France until the end of 1941. This turned out to be a bad decision because when he returned to Paris there was already a new designer in his place (Stegemeyer 1980:22). Once he learnt of this he found employment with the larger fashion house of Lucien Lelong (Stegemeyer 1980:22). He was still with the Lelong house when Paris was liberated in 1944 (Stegemeyer 1980:22). Christian Dior was introduced to a financier called Marcel Boussac in 1945 (Stegemeyer 1980:22). Boussac was a very powerful man who owned a number of textile mills, newspapers and racing stables (Design Museum n.d.). Boussac also owned the couture house, Philippe et Gaston, which was failing (Design Museum n.d). He was looking for someone to take control of the fashion house and thought that Dior would be the right person to do this (Stegemeyer 1980:22). However, Dior had other ideas; he wanted to start his own fashion house and decided that Boussac was the right person to help him achieve this goal (Stegemeyer 1980:22). Once Boussac had heard of Diors ambitions he decided to back him and Dior left Lelong in 1946 (Stegemeyer 1980:22). It made sense for Dior to work with Boussac, whose nickname was the King of Cotton, because the ideas that Dior had been discussing meant that he needed access to a large amount of fabric. The new fashion house was opened with a budget of 60 million Francs (Design Museum n.d). A civil servant called, Jacques Rouà «t was given the job of administrator of the fashion house (Design Museum n.d). Christian Dior presented his first collection, Corolla, in 1947 (Cawthorne 1996:109). The collection was a much more successful than anyone had thought. It was a revolutionary collection that will be discussed further on in this dissertation. At the time that the collection was presented there were a number of strikes occurring in the French newspaper and magazine industry (Cawthorne 1996:109). This lack of opportunity for publicity made it more difficult for Dior to become recognised as a top designer. Another problem that Dior encountered was that the majority of American buyers and journalists had already returned to the United States after seeing the designers that they wanted to see (Cawthorne 1996:109). One American editor remained, Carmel Snow of Harpers Bazaar and went to see Diors fashion show. She declared that Corolla was revolutionary with a New Look. She is known to have said to Dior Its quite a revolution, dear Christian. Your dresses have such a new look. (Cawthorne 1996:109) A worker from Life magazine overheard what Snow had said and published work about the New Look. This name stuck and has been know as this since then. After the success of Diors first collection Jacques Rouà «t started to look into other ways of making money. He found that other fashion houses, such as Chanel, had branched out into other areas of fashion, for example, perfume and hosiery (Design Museum n.d). He realised that in order to become more successful and world renowned, Dior needed to make products that could be sold around the world. He opened a shop on New Yorks Fifth Avenue, which was a fur subsidiary and a ready to wear boutique (Design Museum). He also launched Diors first perfume, Miss Dior, with the American market in mind (Design Museum n.d). When Dior saw what Rouà «t was doing, it brought his commercial aptitude to light (Design Museum n.d). This was evident when an American company wanted to buy the rights to manufacture Diors stockings. They offered Rouà «t $10 000, but Dior did not want this (Design Museum n.d). He said that he would rather have a percentage of the sales of the stockings and in turn he would waive the fee for the rights (Design Museum n.d). The Dior couture house was probably the best run house in Paris at that time; the only other competitors were Pierre Balmain and Cristobà ¡l Balenciaga (Design Museum n.d). The reason that Diors house was so well run was due to the people that worked for him (Design Museum n.d). There were five very important people who worked for Dior, the person who ran his studio, Raymonde Zehnmacker, his chief stylist and hat designer, Mitza Bricard and the person who was in charge of the workrooms, Marguerite Carrà © (Design Museum n.d). These people along with Jacques Rouà «t and Suzanne Luling enabled the Dior brand to be run efficiently (Design Museum n.d). This shows that the people behind the scenes are just as important as the designer (Design Museum n.d). Without them the Dior brand would have struggled to get the acclaim that it has today. Twice a year Dior would put on a haute-couture show, one in January and one in August, and every time he showed his new collection over 2,500 people would turn up to see what the new designs looked like (Design Museum n.d). His biggest clients were from North America, where a select number of shops bought the rights to certain designs for the clothes, which were then made by their own seamstresses (Design Museum n.d). There was a large amount of clothing stores that wanted to be able to sell Diors clothes but as they were discount stores they would not be able to sell them to their clientele as the price was so high (Design Museum n.d). So Dior said to them that if they attended his fashion shows and bought a range of his clothes and outfits they could copy them and sell them at cheaper prices (Design Museum n.d). This was the start of the knock-off range of his designs (Design Museum n.d). The reason that he was so popular in North America was due to Harpers Bazaar editor, Carmel Snow. If she had not attended his first fashion show and written about him then it would have taken him a lot longer to reach the American and Canadian market (Cawthorne 1996:109). The house of Dior was very important to France and particularly Paris at that time; in some respects it put France to the foreground of fashion once again. Chapter 2: The New Look; Branding and Marketing On the 12th of February 1947 Dior presented his first collection from his fashion house to French society. It was called Corolla, after a coil of leaves and petals on a flower. It has always been Diors aim to make women feminine and more flower like, and his first collection epitomised this (Cawthorne 1996:109). At the time, just three years after Paris was liberated, women were still wearing unflattering, practical and sometimes even masculine clothing. This was to save money and fabric during this hard time when most of Europe was still using rationing. At the time of production the New Look was a completely radical clothing range. It was made to make women look and feel more feminine and curvy. Christian Dior wanted women to look like women and give them back their natural shape (Cawthorne 1996:111). The New Look was an exaggeration on the number eight, with accentuated hips, small, narrow waist and an underlined bust. A typical skirt in this line required on average 25 yards of fabric and around 200 hours of labour to complete (Cawthorne 1996:111). At a time when France was nearly bankrupt it was seen as outrageous that Dior would use such large amounts of material. The Americans in particular thought that it was unpatriotic to use large amounts of material for dresses when it could be used for other things (Cawthorne 1996:110). There were, however, people who liked the fact that Dior was being extravagant as it showed the French people that the war was really over and that people could start living again(Cawthorne 1996:110). His clothes were everything that women wanted. Men thought that women should start dressing more feminine, they were fed up with seeing them wearing mens clothing or military uniforms. They thought that Diors designs were ideal for making women look like wo men (Cawthorne 1996). Appendix one is evidence of the exaggerated number eight. This is a picture of the Bar Suit from the Corolla range. The fact that Diors range of clothes were so feminine made them stand out from the rest of the clothes that were on offer at the time, the added curves made women feel special and more womanly. Along with this feeling the Dior house took the opportunity to express the feeling of happiness and freedom after the war; people were able to start living again. This became a crucial part of the Christian Dior brand. The way that Dior designed his clothes took a lot of hidden expertise (Cawthorne 1996:111). To get the very womanly, curvy figure that he wanted to give women there were hidden pieces of material within the dresses (Cawthorne 1996:111). Some people criticised Dior. They claimed that he was giving a false interpretation of women, that without the added padding in the dresses they would not look like they should; women did not generally have the figure that these dresses created (Cawthorne 1996:111). To create the look, Dior designed the dresses to have a corset made from whale bones. The reason for the boning in the corset was that it needed to be moulded to the customers shape (Cawthorne 1996:111). It was also necessary to wear padding for the hips and a padded bra when wearing these clothes (Cawthorne 1996:111). It would take two or three fittings for the outfit to be completed but when it was done, it would fit like a glove (Cawthorne 1996:111) It could have turned out to be a big problem in that women might not want to buy clothes where you have to wear a lot of extra padding, but as it turned out the need for feminine clothing was so great that people bought them, no matter what they had to endure to achieve this (Cawthorne 1996:111). At this time you could not buy a ready to wear Dior piece, you had to have it made for you, similar to Haute Couture today. There were a lot of protests about the New Look; one of the biggest protests in France was in Paris where the protesters were shouting 40 000 francs for a dress and our children have no milk (Cawthorne 1996:115). This attitude was adopted in other parts of the world. In Britain, designers were asked to ignore the style; this was due to the amount of clothes that could be made from the extra fabric that would have been used (Cawthorne 1996:115). If British designers had adopted the New Look then there would have been close to a million items of clothing not made (Cawthorne 1996:115). The government nearly created a new law on the length of skirts to make sure that they would not be long, like the style of Dior where some of the skirts would reach the ankles (Cawthorne 1996:115). The reaction was so strong that when Dior went to America people shouted at him, down with the New Look and burn Christian Dior (Cawthorne 1996:117). He was not surprised and stuck to his feelings that women should be able to dress femininely if they wanted. He even said that he loved to see his dresses being copied so that women who did not have a lot of money could have a dress that had been designed by Dior (Cawthorne 1996:117). Despite all the protests and complaints the New Look was an incredible success. It accounted for 75 percent of fashion exports from France in 1947, which was a big achievement considering the conditions of the world at the time (Cawthorne 1996). As soon as the New Look was presented to society it was automatically branded as luxury. The main reasons for this were the price, clientele and the amount of work that went into producing the clothes. As time went on the Christian Dior house decided to branch out into other brands. There was the Christian Dior Femme line, a hosiery line, a fur subsidiary and a perfume line (Design Museum n.d). Diors range of products were out of the price range of the working class public. You had to be either rich or a member of aristocracy to be able to afford products from any Dior range. The only affordable products would have been a bottle of perfume or a pair of stockings or tights. However these would have been difficult to afford during the times of rationing. During the forties and fifties not many shops outside Paris stocked Diors products which made it difficult for people to easily buy Diors merchandise. If you lived outside of Paris travel would have been long and arduous so you would have had to go with the mentality that you were going to buy something, not just to browse. When the advertising for this brand began it was quite difficult for Dior to rely on the articles in newspapers and magazines, due to the strikes (Cawthorne 1996:109). He also had to wait for the word of mouth in America; the editor of Harpers Bazaar could only do so much. At the time of the New Look the perception of women was that they did not work and that their job was to stay at home, raise the children and make sure that the house was run properly. However the women in the aristocracy did not have to worry about these things, they did not have to clean their houses or cook, as they would normally have had a maid and a cook to do these things for them. This is why Dior and his team aimed and marketed the clothes from the New Look at these women. They could wear them without having to worry about the practicalities of them, they would not have to worry about getting them marked when they were cleaning or cooking. In 1947 the protests in Paris and other countries were reported on the news, bringing the name of Dior and his designs to the attention of people whom it would have taken a lot longer to reach through advertising alone. In some ways the people who were protesting may have been better if they had not protested because then the rest of the world would probably not have heard as much about the designs or about Dior himself. Letting people produce his designs at cheaper prices or making knock-offs showed that this was Diors way of reaching the rest of the public (Design Museum n.d). He liked and sometimes encouraged people to make cheaper versions of his clothes; this was a way of making him happy, just like he wanted the people that were wearing them to be happy about their choice and their shape (Design Museum n.d). The haute couture side of Dior was important for the label. It brought in a lot of revenue as the dresses and other clothes that were made in that line were very expensive and took a lot of time to create. Once again you would not be able to buy these clothes if you did not have a lot of money as they were expensive, even by higher societys standards. It was important for Dior to be able to prove that the times were changing and that clothes needed to change with them. He accomplished this with his range of clothes from the New Look. The branding and marketing were quite simplistic in those days. However they always managed to put across the point that they wanted to prove. Chapter 3: John Galliano and His Influence on Christian Dior John Galliano was born in Gibraltar in 1960. His real name is Juan Carlos Antonio Galliano Guillen and he moved to London when he was six (Design Museum n.d). After leaving school he attended the prestigious art school in London, Central Saint Martins (Design Museum n.d). His first collection was inspired by a play, for which he was a dresser and when Joan Burstein, the owner of fashion boutique Browns saw this she stocked his collection, which quickly sold out (Design Museum n.d). Even though he had attracted publicity and hype, when he tried to start his own business two backers pulled out (Design Museum n.d). Due to this in the 1990s he moved to Paris, where he met American Vogue Editor-in-Chief, Anna Wintour, who used her influence to introduce him to a sound financial backer, and she also found him a venue for his first show (Design Museum n.d). He managed to assemble 17 outfits, all of which were in black because bolts of black fabric were all that he could afford, and he secured the services of top international models, such as, Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell, who modelled his designs as a favour to him rather than being paid (Design Museum n.d). His show was a success and it proved to the fashion world that he was a great and very influential designer. Galliano was grateful to Anna Wintour for the opportunities that she created and she was influential in launching his designs in America. After the success of his latest fashion show, Chairman of the conglomerate LVMH (Moà «t Hennessy -Louis Vuitton) Bernard Arnault, had noticed the brilliance of Galliano and in 1995 very daringly decided to appoint Galliano as head designer for Givenchy (Design Museum n.d). However a year later Alexander McQueen took his place. This gave Galliano the opportunity to move onto the bigger fashion house of Dior. Dior was an internationally renowned company (Design Museum n.d). In 1996 when John Galliano was appointed the head designer of the Christian Dior fashion house the designs took on a new direction. Galliano is quoted as saying I wanted to turn couture on its head (Galliano n.d). This is evident throughout his collections. Appendix two is an example of this. The dress in this picture is the dress that he was talking about when he said that he wanted to change couture (Dior n.d.). When Galliano first started working for Dior after Giancarlo Ferre the previous designer, left, it was almost as if the fashion house was starting to stagnate. It was mainly concentrating on the womens clothing range and there was not much emphasis put on the advertising of perfumes and other products. It needed to be brought into modern times. Arnault had made the right decision in hiring Galliano for this role because he was a younger designer. He was fifteen years younger than Ferre and six years younger than Dior when he presented his first collection. This brought lots of positive aspects to Dior. Having a younger designer enabled him to know what the target group desired. However he had to be careful not to alienate the traditional clientele. Instead of having the designs that they were used to they would have found that he was a designer who had very different ideas from that of his predecessor. This gave the brand of Dior the wakeup call that it needed so that once again Dior became a leading fashion house. Galliano is famous for his radical and sometimes over the top creations and designs, and this was what was needed at the time. When he arrived at the fashion house he breathed new life and inspiration into the company. It appears that he takes inspiration from a lot of his surroundings and especially from the surrealist works of the artists Salvador Dali and Jean Cocteau (Frankel 2001:172). This is an important fact. Instead of being very conservative he has brought an aspect of surrealism to the designs. The clothing no longer has the curvy aspects to the designs, although in later designs there are a few influences from the New Look with very small waists and long skirts. There are a lot of colours that are used in the new designs. They are a lot more vivid than before and they stand out from the rest of the designers in the fashion industry. Gallianos first dress he designed for Dior is a perfect example of this. It is a bright pink dress cut on the bias and therefore very close to the body. This just shows how different Galliano is in comparison with Diors early work (Dior n.d). The amount of detailing that goes into a Galliano couture piece is very intricate; Dior employees are very skilled and talented. They hand stitch, hand bead or embroider a large number of the dresses (Dior n.d). Some might say that he has created a new New Look (Dior n.d). It shows how much more energy there is in the fashion house now. The fashion shows are a very important part of any designers collections. Gallianos always appear to have a theme running through them and are normally quite theatrical. For example in his Autumn/Winter haute couture collection for 2010 there is a definite equestrian theme and the fashion show is made more dramatic by the music that is being played, at the beginning there are sounds of horses hooves (Dior n.d). This is typical of the Galliano influence on the shows (Dior n.d). Once again it emphasises how much Galliano has brought to Dior. The fashion house of Dior had never had shows like it before. There are many positive views to this; free publicity is the main benefit. When people start talking about the shows it intrigues others to find out more about the new Dior collection. However Galliano has been careful to find a fine balance between the theatrics, drawing the attention away from what the show is all about the new designs. It has come to be expected of a Galliano for Dior fashion show, the eccentric shows match the eccentric designs and designer. In Gallianos Spring/Summer collection in 1999 the main theme running through the clothes and fashion shows was surrealism (Frankel 2001:172). He is quoted as saying as Dali and Cocteau understood it, with wit but always romantic (Frankel 2001:172). The clothes definitely have a romantic style to them, but there is also an element of fun in the clothes and in the way photos from the collection have been taken. Although this one collection has been centred around surrealism there always seems to be an aspect of it in all the work he has created. The ready-to-wear clothing line has been emphasised a lot since Galliano has been head designer. It is an important change for Dior, most customers are unwilling to wait to buy their clothes anymore and will not spend the time to have the clothes fitted and made for them. They want to buy the clothes and take them home with them. Galliano has picked up on this and made the collection a very big part of the house of Dior. These clothes may not be as exclusive as the clothes in the haute couture lines but the Galliano influence is very easy for people to see. Since he started at Dior he has been creating designs that have, on occasion, shocked the fashion industry. When there is a new collection at his flagship store in Paris the queues of people waiting to view it normally stretch down the Avenue Montaigne (Design Museum n.d.). He has an ambition to go down in history as one of the best designers in the world, and it seems he will succeed in his mission. Chapter 4: Branding and Marketing in the Present Day Even after Galliano joined Christian Dior, it was still perceived as a luxury brand. The products however are much more diverse than before. Although Diors products are still classed as luxury there are now more items that can be afforded by a wider range of people. These lines include; sunglasses, watches, perfume and purses. The Dior products are likely to be more expensive than the equivalent high street items. However, the fact that they have Diors brand on them appeals to more people. When you buy a product with a brand name on the general thought is that you are purchasing products perceived to be of a much higher quality than the general high street ranges. The fact that they are not normally found in all high street chains and are produced to a higher quality makes people think that the product they are buying is worth spending the extra money on. When Galliano was appointed head designer it was evident to him that the whole brand needed to be brought up to date. Until then the Christian Dior fashion house had always been known as Christian Dior. When it was rebranded it became known as just Dior (Okonkwo 2007:109). This was done to make the brand as a whole more modern and to keep up with the new direction that Galliano was taking the brand. However the company name remains unchanged, it is still known as Christian Dior Couture (Okonkwo 2007:109). With a new brand name the range of products needed to be modernised. The house of Dior did not want to be associated with old fashioned designs and products. There was a need for the Dior brand to reach a larger number of the public. For example the Dior perfumes are available in most beauty stores and are around the same price as other luxury branded fragrances. The beauty range is a very popular segment in the new brand but it can still be sold at a premium price against other makeup ranges. However if people believe in the quality of the product they will be prepared to pay higher prices. It is very important for a luxury brand such as Dior, to be able to produce a range of products that do not ignore other market segments. Producing the beauty line along with watches and eyewear enable them to reach a wider spectrum of customers. The beauty products are an extremely important line because they enable everyone to have the chance to buy a designer product and therefore Dior is capturing a larger share of the market. This is reflected in the fact that LVMHs perfume and beauty products sell to a larger share of the market because this year in their first quarter they have increased their sales by 12%. In perfume, where LVMH sells Christian Dior and Guerlain fragrances, sales were up 12% (The Guardian 2010) LVMH have put a lot of time and resources into re-launching the Dior fragrance range which has led to an improvement in sales. This proves how much Dior relies on the sales of their mass market products, as shown in figure 1. In Perfumes Cosmetics, organic revenue growth stood at 12% in the first quarter of 2010. Christian Dior benefited from the strong dynamic of its perfumes with, in particular, the growth of Fahrenheit and of Miss Dior Chà ©rie. A new skincare product, Capture Totale One Essential, had an immense success, while the new mascara, DiorShow Extase is having a very promising start. Guerlain successfully rolled out its new Idylle perfume and Givenchy saw strong growth thanks to the progress of its Play line. Benefit and Make Up For Ever continued their international development. Taking into account the uncertainty of the strength of the economic recovery, LVMH will continue to concentrate all of its efforts on the development of its formidable brands while maintaining strict cost management and selective investments. The Group will rely on the strength of its brands, the responsiveness of its organization, the diversification of its businesses and the good geographical balance of its revenue to increase, once again in 2010, its leadership of the global luxury industry. These two tables are evidence of the increased growth of the perfume and cosmetics of Dior. It has contributed to a 12% increase in sales, even throughout the economic crisis. In the present day most luxury brands have five common lines of their products (Okonkwo 2007:130). They are fashion, perfume and cosmetics, watches and jewellery, eyewear and other. The fashion line includes haute couture, ready-to-wear and leather goods. The first four lines are very standard for all luxury brands, Dior included (Okonkwo 2007:130). The other section is the only section to have been added in the past few years. The products under this section include stationery, gift items, products to decorate your house and hair accessories (Okonkwo 2007:130). Not all luxury brands have the other section under their brand name. Dior does not produce all of these products in their other section. The one main change that the majority of luxury brands have gone through is the introduction of online retailing (Okonkwo 2007:211). This was not necessarily Galliano who decided to do this, it was more due to the changing times, but it was necessary to show that Dior is an easily accessible brand and that people from all over the world could buy a product from the website. According to Uche Okonk

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Geography Of Indonesia And Aus :: essays research papers

INDONESIA AND AUSTRALIA Indonesia and Australia are nations located southeast of Asia, separated by the Timor Sea and the Java Trench. Both have undergone challenges in economy, government, and demography that are both similar and quite different from the other. Indonesia is â€Å"the world’s most expansive archipelagic (fragmented) state† (Blij 503) with multiple heritages and cultures. Australia has been slowly declining over the past century and continues to economically disintegrate. According to records kept on the economy, government, and demography, both Australia and Indonesia are continuing to be recognized as similar and distinct in their own right. DEMOGRAPHY AND LAND STRUCTURE   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The 275 million people of Indonesia are spread across the 13,000 islands it encompasses. It holds position as the fourth most populated nation in the world, containing a diversity of people including Javanese, Sudanese, Malays, and Balinese and other smaller groups which make up fifty-five percent of the population. Four of its largest islands are known as the Greater Sunda Islands. Jawa has the smallest area but is largest in population density (with about 120 million), Sumatera is in the west across from Malaysia, Kalimantan (which shares land space with Malaysia on Borneo), and Sulawesi, which is also called Celebes, the â€Å"wishbone – shaped† island of the east. The fifth largest island is New Guinea, which is not primarily a part of Indonesian cultural ties although half of its western side of the island is under Indonesian control.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Australia is approximately 10 times the size of Texas, with a population of eighteen million. 85 percent live in cities, with about 300,000 consisting in the Aboriginal population. Most of the population is concentrated in the core area to the east and southeast, facing the Pacific Ocean. This area is more humid and extends between the Great Dividing Range and the east coast. The eastern, less populous area consists of desert or steppe, which is not primary for living conditions but contains mineral deposits. RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Indonesia has a wide variety of natural resources, consisting of petroleum, palm oil, rubber, lumber, tin, coffee, tea, and other cash crops. However, the population continues on an upward climb that will have a doubling time of 43 years. This creates a much longer-term threat to the country’s future than anything does else does. With this steep climb in population, the nation has already been forced to import large amounts of rice and wheat to feed its people.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

My Philosophy of Teaching Essay -- Philosophy of Education Teachers Es

My Philosophy of Teaching Teaching is the most rewarding and self-fulfilling career that I could imagine myself doing. The satisfaction that is received when watching a child’s eyes light up when they have comprehended and understood the topics that I have been teaching is a feeling of great achievement. Teaching children to become productive adults helps the foundation of our society. Today’s children are tomorrow’s adults. I want to help society the best way that I know how. I want to be a teacher. My life long dream has always been to become not only a teacher, but also a mentor. Education as an occupation is not a high paid position, but the amount of self-gratification that could be received is the best reward that I could achieve. I have always been good with children and have been involved through various activities and sports. As a coach, I have instructed youth athletes on various ways to perform in the sport that the athlete is participating in. In a real situation, when I see the athlete perform what I have taught, I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. If I can feel that good about helping out in extra-curricular activities, I can only imagine how I would feel when teaching the core subjects in everyday school life. Essentialism may be the philosophy of teaching that I plan to practice, because I do believe in the back-to-basics approach of teaching. Essentials in the academic process along with the development of the students’ character is extremely important for these students when faced with the real world. It is extremely important that students learn the primary subjects. I do feel certain subjects need to be addressed each and every day to help the students achieve the necessary skills they will re... ... a good educator. This will open up my mind to even more knowledge, which I can transfer to my students and my classroom In conclusion, I would like to state that in my classroom, I would be the one who teaches the core subjects. I will also be the one who helps the students along with technological skills that will help them in their future. I will try and help the students from the "bad home" become self-confident, secure, and comfortable in the classroom environment. As a teacher, I will not be strictly the essentialist, perennialist, or even the behaviorist. I will incorporate all aspects of these philosophies of teaching into my classroom. I will also be a teacher that is compassionate, caring, understanding, and willing to go the extra mile for my students. I will be a teacher who is adaptable to my students’ environment and the situation in the classroom.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Left in the Lurch Essay

Jim could give Sara a quick call before the presentation just to be sure it wasn’t her he saw at the gas station. Jim could go on with the presentation without Sara and hope that the sides he never received from her will not make a huge impact and do a great job presenting what he has. Jim could also call Sara before the presentation and ask if she can email him her PowerPoint slides. Jim doesn’t actually know whether or not Sara is in fact sick or not, nor does he know if that was her at the gas station, but he needs to know her well-being so that he can get her part of the presentation they are supposed to present to the CEO today. Jim can be persistent in taking control of the situation his partner put him in by not sending him the needed slides or show up to help present. Jim can show interest and enjoy presenting on his own. He can show his confidence in how successful of an outcome his presentation on his own. Jim should go on with his presentation with or without the slides Sara never sent and show how confident he is in the work he has done.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How Does Steinbeck Present the Character of Curleys Wife

How does Steinbeck present the character of Curleys Wife? In this essay I am going to be assessing the character Curleys Wife from Steinbeck’s book Of Mice And Men. The book is set in the 1930s during the Great Depression it features two farm workers called George and Lennie. The travel around together in search of work sharing a dream of a place of their own, a small ranch where they can live and work for themselves. It tells the story of how violence may erupt to destroy those dreams.Curleys wife is a character in the book who from the brief encounters with her is presented in two ways. Firstly the dangerous, flirtatious character who isn’t trusted by the rest of the ranch workers but then later one we realize how she is just a victim of loneliness with her being the only girl on the ranch and how she too has an incomplete American Dream to pursue an acting career. Curleys wife is a very important character and is heavily involved in the outcome of the story when Geor ge ends up shooting Lennie however there is the question of her innocence.Before we meet Curleys wife, Steinbeck deliberately gives us a first impression of her to let us know their honest views on her with Candy and Georges conversation. Candy starts by saying â€Å"Wait’ll you see Curleys wife. †, this makes us anticipated of her and gives us an expectation of what is going to be said about her. During the conversation the only positive thing said was that she was â€Å"purty†. She is portrayed as being flirty and not satisfied with her husband when Candy claims â€Å"Married two weeks and got the eye?Maybe that’s why Curleys pants is full of ants. † This makes the reader think because if they were newlywed they should be on their honeymoon period however one is overly flirtatious and the metaphor â€Å"pants is full of ants† shows the others paranoid over her, this gives us the sense something’s not right with their relationship. S teinbeck exaggerates the use of the phrase â€Å"the eye† to mirror the fact she repeatedly flirts with the men in search of attention.Steinbeck describes her negatively when he refers to her as a â€Å"tart† when Candy says â€Å"well i think Curleys married†¦ a tart†, the ellipsis shows Candy’s unsure whether he should refer to her in such an insulting manner but he chooses to anyway. The conversation prejudices Curleys wife before we even meet her and the fact George thinks she will be trouble prepares the reader for future events. Steinbeck uses his description of Curleys wife carefully to give us a certain first impression on her before finding out more about her. The escription starts with â€Å"the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off†, the light being cut off could be foreshadowing her being the obstacle that would eventually ruin George and Lennies hopes and dreams. Steinbeck then calls her a â€Å"girl† rather than a woman implying her youth and vulnerability, he continues keeps her unnamed to uphold the prejudice women faced in the 1930’s and to show the oppressive misogyny posed against her and how she is only seen through her relation to Curley and is ultimately a possession of his, unworthy of a unique identity.Steinbeck also claims she was â€Å"looking in† showing her as an outsider who doesn’t really fit in and when she does look in, it’s to see something she hopes to have in the future, friendship. When Steinbeck starts to describe her appearance he starts with â€Å"she had full rouged lips and wide spaced eyes, heavily made up† this makes us realise she hides her face with makeup showing her self-consciousness and gives the impression she is trying to look older however it’s not working by her previously being referred to as a â€Å"girl†.Steinbeck repeats the word red when he says â€Å"her fingernails were red† and then †Å"red ostrich feathers†, the noun red has many meanings for example, love but it also means danger and stop. This could again be showing signs of what the future could hold for her and how her desire for love becomes a great danger when leading to her death. Her facial features are a great contrast to her â€Å"nasal, brittle† voice that implies she’s about to break.Curleys wife is provocative with her body language as she is described to have â€Å"put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward† and â€Å"she looked at her fingernails†, she is very conscious of the affect she has on men and uses this to her advantage however her inappropriate clothes and her behavior I think are designed to provoke interest and attention rather than to invite intimacy, we later learn this is because of her loneliness in her marriage to Curley.Her loneliness is clear by her constant asking of the whereabouts of Cu rley proving she is just looking for an excuse to continue her conversation with the ranch workers. The perceptions we make of Curley's wife are corrupted from the views of the ranch hands. Because sexuality is her only weapon she is referred to by George as ‘jailbait' and ‘ a tart' ‘Jesus what a tramp. ‘ George has reason to be weary of her presence especially with Lenny around and the incident in Weed. Listen to me you crazy bastard†¦ Don't you even look at that bitch. He is concerned about Lennie safety because he knows he won’t be able to resist her. The next time Steinbeck presents Curleys wife is in her conversation with Lennie, Candy and Crooks. In this extract we see how Curleys wife clearly enjoys having power over others and because she is the only girl on the ranch she is prone to discrimination by being made to feel like one of Curleys possessions.We first get this impression when she refers to them as â€Å" a bunch of bindle stiffs – a nigger an’ a dum-dum and a lousy ol’ sheep†, Curleys wife wouldn’t dare say these insults to anyone else but she would to these three men purely because one is older, one is mentally challenged and the other is a black man who in the 1930’s faced larger discrimination than girls. However her vulnerability is still shown when she asks â€Å"whatta ya think I am, a kid? †.The use of this rhetorical question makes us remember how she doesn’t want to be thought of as a little kid linking Back to when Steinbeck repeatedly called her a â€Å"girl† rather than a woman giving us the impression that even she realises how lowly she is thought of in the ranch so Steinbeck makes her speak â€Å"contemptuously† to show how she thinks they are beneath her. This scene adds to making the reader dislike her and see her as the downfall of the men in the story. Steinbeck lets us learn more about Curleys wife in the final scene be fore her death.Here we learn that she too has her own dream just like all the other men on the ranch, her dream was to become a movie star in Hollywood and here we also see a completely different side to her initial flirtatious character we originally meet. Curleys wife’s naivety is demonstrable in her approach and attitude towards her dream. â€Å"I coulda made something of myself† she refuses to accept that her dream had a very little chance of coming true, when she says â€Å"maybe I will yet† she uses her dream as an escape from her loveless marriage and pitiful life; she is deluded that her dream will be realised and clings to the hope of a better life.Curleys wife also blames others for the breakdown of her dream, especially her mother, â€Å"My ol’ lady wouldn’t let me†¦. if I’d went I wouldn’t be livin’ like this you bet† she is using her mother as a scapegoat for the failure of her dream, and her current si tuation. Therefore by marrying Curley, she has managed to escape her mother who she feels is responsible for preventing her from achieving her dream of being a movie star. â€Å"an I coulda sat in them big hotels†, Curleys wife’s dream revolves on what could have been, she yearns for luxuries and attention,.Like the men she desires friendship, but her dream is more materialistic; she seeks the attention she feels she deserves. When Curleys wife is telling Lennie about her dream, Steinbeck states that â€Å"Her words tumbled out in passion of communication as though she hurried before her listener could be taken away† This links to her desperation for someone to talk to and how she yearns for some sort of interaction. Curleys wife dream makes her more vulnerable and human. Steinbeck recreates this impression by portraying her innocence in death.Steinbeck uses very specific language when describing how Curleys wife was murdered by Lennie. In this extract we see ho w she underestimated Lennie’s great strength and this is proven when she says â€Å"Jus’ like a big baby†, we as readers know he is capable of murder and we know he is anything but a big baby adding to the tension. Steinbeck does give us a moment of hope when he remembers his Aunt Clara who he has occasionally forgotten, this gives us hope that he will remember Georges warnings on Curleys wife but this isn’t the case.Curleys wife invites Lennie to feel her hair after hearing about his love of stroking soft things and she soon realises her mistake when she goes â€Å"Don’t you muss it up† and when Lennie refuses to let go she cries â€Å"let go† â€Å"you let go† the use of these short sentences lets us realise her panic. Steinbeck declares how she â€Å"writhed to be free† this could really mean how she ached to be free of the ranch and of Curley.Then when he adds how â€Å"her hoarse cry came out† it creates a ma jor contrast to when she wasn’t heard by the men and when her voice is needed the most she is being stifled. He even mentions how her â€Å"eyes were wild with terror†, they aren’t being described with being heavily made up. When Curleys wife is killed Steinbeck ensures the readers sympathy for Lennie is maintained. The reader sees the killing as an inevitable consequence of Lennie’s bear-like strength and Curleys wife’s desire for attention.The use of the simile â€Å"and he shook her and her body flopped like a fish† creates an unsympathetic image, further emphasised with the alliterative â€Å"f†, as we tend not to feel sorry for dying fish in the way we may for a different animal. The sympathy the reader may feel for Curleys wife is weakened with â€Å"and she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck† as this seems harsh. This tone reminds the reader that Lennie would not have wanted to break her neck it was just something that happened so, even though he has committed a terrible act, the reader does not fully blame Lennie.The repetition of the natural imagery, including the clear link to the animalistic imagery when Curleys hand was crushed as he â€Å"flopped like a fish on a line†, both links Curley and his wife as the enemy, but also reminds the reader of Lennie’s early description as a bear, reiterated with his â€Å"paw†-like hands throughout the novel. Because of this, it seems clear that this was both inevitable and natural as bears do kill fish, and Steinbeck could be highlighting the predatory nature of the world; it could also suggest that Steinbeck was trying to show the constancy of the natural world and Lennie is just another victim in this world.However when Curleys wife is dead Steinbeck seems to show her the respect she deserves as his description of Curleys wife after her death is evidently more complimentary than previous occasions. He starts by saying â€Å"T he meanness and the planning and the discontent and the aches for attention was all gone from her face† this straight away lets us realise that only from her death we see the other side to her, the side that was unhappy with her marriage and her life, her incomplete dream and the constant craving for a companion and all this because of her death simply disappears.Steinbeck also uses words such as â€Å"sweet and young† to project Curleys wife more positively as a pretty, young woman, free of all mean qualities. This contrasts to the other times he referred to her as a â€Å"girl† because this time he is reflecting her purity rather than her childlike features. When he says â€Å"Now her rouged lips and her reddened cheeks made her seem alive and sleeping very lightly† it shows us what her life could have been like if she were to have completed it to its full potential. The way Steinbeck portrays her now is a lot more poetic showing his respect.In my conclu sion I think Steinbeck manages to portray two sides to Curleys Wife in the book Of Mice and Men. The first side is the misunderstood girl who isn’t trusted and her need for company and a friend is mistaken for a flirtatious troublemaker. However at the end of the novel Steinbeck makes her intentions clear and shares her dream of becoming a Hollywood movie star giving the readers the chance to see the vulnerable side of her, the one that shows her as not wanting but needing somebody to talk to.The need for such things is what caused her death. Lennie was keeping her company and she needed this so much that she was willing to let him harm her, and in this case kill her. Steinbeck also shows her differently in death as well. He gives Curleys wife respect and describes her as being beautiful and majorly contrasts the provocative way he did beforehand. How Does Steinbeck Present the Character of Curleys Wife How does Steinbeck present the character of Curleys Wife? In this essay I am going to be assessing the character Curleys Wife from Steinbeck’s book Of Mice And Men. The book is set in the 1930s during the Great Depression it features two farm workers called George and Lennie. The travel around together in search of work sharing a dream of a place of their own, a small ranch where they can live and work for themselves. It tells the story of how violence may erupt to destroy those dreams.Curleys wife is a character in the book who from the brief encounters with her is presented in two ways. Firstly the dangerous, flirtatious character who isn’t trusted by the rest of the ranch workers but then later one we realize how she is just a victim of loneliness with her being the only girl on the ranch and how she too has an incomplete American Dream to pursue an acting career. Curleys wife is a very important character and is heavily involved in the outcome of the story when Geor ge ends up shooting Lennie however there is the question of her innocence.Before we meet Curleys wife, Steinbeck deliberately gives us a first impression of her to let us know their honest views on her with Candy and Georges conversation. Candy starts by saying â€Å"Wait’ll you see Curleys wife. †, this makes us anticipated of her and gives us an expectation of what is going to be said about her. During the conversation the only positive thing said was that she was â€Å"purty†. She is portrayed as being flirty and not satisfied with her husband when Candy claims â€Å"Married two weeks and got the eye?Maybe that’s why Curleys pants is full of ants. † This makes the reader think because if they were newlywed they should be on their honeymoon period however one is overly flirtatious and the metaphor â€Å"pants is full of ants† shows the others paranoid over her, this gives us the sense something’s not right with their relationship. S teinbeck exaggerates the use of the phrase â€Å"the eye† to mirror the fact she repeatedly flirts with the men in search of attention.Steinbeck describes her negatively when he refers to her as a â€Å"tart† when Candy says â€Å"well i think Curleys married†¦ a tart†, the ellipsis shows Candy’s unsure whether he should refer to her in such an insulting manner but he chooses to anyway. The conversation prejudices Curleys wife before we even meet her and the fact George thinks she will be trouble prepares the reader for future events. Steinbeck uses his description of Curleys wife carefully to give us a certain first impression on her before finding out more about her. The escription starts with â€Å"the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off†, the light being cut off could be foreshadowing her being the obstacle that would eventually ruin George and Lennies hopes and dreams. Steinbeck then calls her a â€Å"girl† rather than a woman implying her youth and vulnerability, he continues keeps her unnamed to uphold the prejudice women faced in the 1930’s and to show the oppressive misogyny posed against her and how she is only seen through her relation to Curley and is ultimately a possession of his, unworthy of a unique identity.Steinbeck also claims she was â€Å"looking in† showing her as an outsider who doesn’t really fit in and when she does look in, it’s to see something she hopes to have in the future, friendship. When Steinbeck starts to describe her appearance he starts with â€Å"she had full rouged lips and wide spaced eyes, heavily made up† this makes us realise she hides her face with makeup showing her self-consciousness and gives the impression she is trying to look older however it’s not working by her previously being referred to as a â€Å"girl†.Steinbeck repeats the word red when he says â€Å"her fingernails were red† and then †Å"red ostrich feathers†, the noun red has many meanings for example, love but it also means danger and stop. This could again be showing signs of what the future could hold for her and how her desire for love becomes a great danger when leading to her death. Her facial features are a great contrast to her â€Å"nasal, brittle† voice that implies she’s about to break.Curleys wife is provocative with her body language as she is described to have â€Å"put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward† and â€Å"she looked at her fingernails†, she is very conscious of the affect she has on men and uses this to her advantage however her inappropriate clothes and her behavior I think are designed to provoke interest and attention rather than to invite intimacy, we later learn this is because of her loneliness in her marriage to Curley.Her loneliness is clear by her constant asking of the whereabouts of Cu rley proving she is just looking for an excuse to continue her conversation with the ranch workers. The perceptions we make of Curley's wife are corrupted from the views of the ranch hands. Because sexuality is her only weapon she is referred to by George as ‘jailbait' and ‘ a tart' ‘Jesus what a tramp. ‘ George has reason to be weary of her presence especially with Lenny around and the incident in Weed. Listen to me you crazy bastard†¦ Don't you even look at that bitch. He is concerned about Lennie safety because he knows he won’t be able to resist her. The next time Steinbeck presents Curleys wife is in her conversation with Lennie, Candy and Crooks. In this extract we see how Curleys wife clearly enjoys having power over others and because she is the only girl on the ranch she is prone to discrimination by being made to feel like one of Curleys possessions.We first get this impression when she refers to them as â€Å" a bunch of bindle stiffs – a nigger an’ a dum-dum and a lousy ol’ sheep†, Curleys wife wouldn’t dare say these insults to anyone else but she would to these three men purely because one is older, one is mentally challenged and the other is a black man who in the 1930’s faced larger discrimination than girls. However her vulnerability is still shown when she asks â€Å"whatta ya think I am, a kid? †.The use of this rhetorical question makes us remember how she doesn’t want to be thought of as a little kid linking Back to when Steinbeck repeatedly called her a â€Å"girl† rather than a woman giving us the impression that even she realises how lowly she is thought of in the ranch so Steinbeck makes her speak â€Å"contemptuously† to show how she thinks they are beneath her. This scene adds to making the reader dislike her and see her as the downfall of the men in the story. Steinbeck lets us learn more about Curleys wife in the final scene be fore her death.Here we learn that she too has her own dream just like all the other men on the ranch, her dream was to become a movie star in Hollywood and here we also see a completely different side to her initial flirtatious character we originally meet. Curleys wife’s naivety is demonstrable in her approach and attitude towards her dream. â€Å"I coulda made something of myself† she refuses to accept that her dream had a very little chance of coming true, when she says â€Å"maybe I will yet† she uses her dream as an escape from her loveless marriage and pitiful life; she is deluded that her dream will be realised and clings to the hope of a better life.Curleys wife also blames others for the breakdown of her dream, especially her mother, â€Å"My ol’ lady wouldn’t let me†¦. if I’d went I wouldn’t be livin’ like this you bet† she is using her mother as a scapegoat for the failure of her dream, and her current si tuation. Therefore by marrying Curley, she has managed to escape her mother who she feels is responsible for preventing her from achieving her dream of being a movie star. â€Å"an I coulda sat in them big hotels†, Curleys wife’s dream revolves on what could have been, she yearns for luxuries and attention,.Like the men she desires friendship, but her dream is more materialistic; she seeks the attention she feels she deserves. When Curleys wife is telling Lennie about her dream, Steinbeck states that â€Å"Her words tumbled out in passion of communication as though she hurried before her listener could be taken away† This links to her desperation for someone to talk to and how she yearns for some sort of interaction. Curleys wife dream makes her more vulnerable and human. Steinbeck recreates this impression by portraying her innocence in death.Steinbeck uses very specific language when describing how Curleys wife was murdered by Lennie. In this extract we see ho w she underestimated Lennie’s great strength and this is proven when she says â€Å"Jus’ like a big baby†, we as readers know he is capable of murder and we know he is anything but a big baby adding to the tension. Steinbeck does give us a moment of hope when he remembers his Aunt Clara who he has occasionally forgotten, this gives us hope that he will remember Georges warnings on Curleys wife but this isn’t the case.Curleys wife invites Lennie to feel her hair after hearing about his love of stroking soft things and she soon realises her mistake when she goes â€Å"Don’t you muss it up† and when Lennie refuses to let go she cries â€Å"let go† â€Å"you let go† the use of these short sentences lets us realise her panic. Steinbeck declares how she â€Å"writhed to be free† this could really mean how she ached to be free of the ranch and of Curley.Then when he adds how â€Å"her hoarse cry came out† it creates a ma jor contrast to when she wasn’t heard by the men and when her voice is needed the most she is being stifled. He even mentions how her â€Å"eyes were wild with terror†, they aren’t being described with being heavily made up. When Curleys wife is killed Steinbeck ensures the readers sympathy for Lennie is maintained. The reader sees the killing as an inevitable consequence of Lennie’s bear-like strength and Curleys wife’s desire for attention.The use of the simile â€Å"and he shook her and her body flopped like a fish† creates an unsympathetic image, further emphasised with the alliterative â€Å"f†, as we tend not to feel sorry for dying fish in the way we may for a different animal. The sympathy the reader may feel for Curleys wife is weakened with â€Å"and she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck† as this seems harsh. This tone reminds the reader that Lennie would not have wanted to break her neck it was just something that happened so, even though he has committed a terrible act, the reader does not fully blame Lennie.The repetition of the natural imagery, including the clear link to the animalistic imagery when Curleys hand was crushed as he â€Å"flopped like a fish on a line†, both links Curley and his wife as the enemy, but also reminds the reader of Lennie’s early description as a bear, reiterated with his â€Å"paw†-like hands throughout the novel. Because of this, it seems clear that this was both inevitable and natural as bears do kill fish, and Steinbeck could be highlighting the predatory nature of the world; it could also suggest that Steinbeck was trying to show the constancy of the natural world and Lennie is just another victim in this world.However when Curleys wife is dead Steinbeck seems to show her the respect she deserves as his description of Curleys wife after her death is evidently more complimentary than previous occasions. He starts by saying â€Å"T he meanness and the planning and the discontent and the aches for attention was all gone from her face† this straight away lets us realise that only from her death we see the other side to her, the side that was unhappy with her marriage and her life, her incomplete dream and the constant craving for a companion and all this because of her death simply disappears.Steinbeck also uses words such as â€Å"sweet and young† to project Curleys wife more positively as a pretty, young woman, free of all mean qualities. This contrasts to the other times he referred to her as a â€Å"girl† because this time he is reflecting her purity rather than her childlike features. When he says â€Å"Now her rouged lips and her reddened cheeks made her seem alive and sleeping very lightly† it shows us what her life could have been like if she were to have completed it to its full potential. The way Steinbeck portrays her now is a lot more poetic showing his respect.In my conclu sion I think Steinbeck manages to portray two sides to Curleys Wife in the book Of Mice and Men. The first side is the misunderstood girl who isn’t trusted and her need for company and a friend is mistaken for a flirtatious troublemaker. However at the end of the novel Steinbeck makes her intentions clear and shares her dream of becoming a Hollywood movie star giving the readers the chance to see the vulnerable side of her, the one that shows her as not wanting but needing somebody to talk to.The need for such things is what caused her death. Lennie was keeping her company and she needed this so much that she was willing to let him harm her, and in this case kill her. Steinbeck also shows her differently in death as well. He gives Curleys wife respect and describes her as being beautiful and majorly contrasts the provocative way he did beforehand.